Log in

At the log in page, enter your username and password. Passwords are case sensitive.


If your Administrator or Manager has configured your account for Single Sign-On (SSO), click the appropriate button to log in instead of entering a username and password, for example click 'Sign in with Google'.


Microsoft Azure profiles must have an email address associated with them or the user will not be able to log in using Microsoft Azure Single Sign-On. Accurri Support are unable to assist with the administration of Microsoft Azure accounts. 


If configured for SSO, the user will not be able to log in with an Accurri username and password.


As per the End User Licence Agreement, Accurri operates on a named user licence basis. Each user must have their own username and password and must be the only person to use those login credentials.


As part of our security procedures, we monitor and track login activity and if we detect occurrences of simultaneous logins to an account, all accounts are at risk of being locked.



Forgotten username

If you have forgotten your username, click on the Forgotten username link and enter your email address. An email will be sent to that email address with your username.



Forgotten password

If you have forgotten your password, click on the Forgotten password link, enter your username and a link to reset your password will be emailed to the email address associated with that username. If you do not receive an email to reset your password, ensure you have entered the correct username and your account is not configured for Single Sign-On (SSO). To check the username, click the Forgotten username link.


Attempting to log in too many times with incorrect credentials will result in your account being locked. If you cannot remember your password, use the Forgotten password link to prevent your account being locked out.


If your account is locked, resetting the password will not unlock the account.


Accurri Support will not reset passwords.



Two-factor authentication

If two-factor authentication has been enabled for your account, the first time you log in, two-factor authentication will need setting up for your account. Full instructions are shown in the software as to how to complete this process.


Some important points about two-factor authentication:

  • When enabled for a user, the next time the user logs in they will be forced to setup two-factor authentication, there is no option for the user to skip setup.
  • During the two-factor authentication setup process the user is provided 10 recovery codes, which may be used to log in if the two-factor device is unavailable for any reason. These codes should be downloaded and treated securely, as if they were passwords. This is the only time these recovery codes can be downloaded.
  • When enabled for a user, Accurri Support have no access to the recovery codes for a user and cannot disable two-factor for a user unless an account verification process is successfully completed by the user.
  • Not available when Single Sign-On is enabled, as two-factor authentication is handled by the identity provider, for example Google.

If you are unable to log in to your account due to any issue with two-factor authentication, or you have switched to a new phone or device, one of your Administrators or Managers will need to turn off two-factor authentication in Manage users and then enable it again, if required.



Account locked

If your account is locked, only one of your Administrators or Managers can unlock it. Due to the potential security and control risks, Accurri Support will not unlock accounts, except when the locked account is a single licence.


Note: Resetting a password will not unlock an account.


Accounts may be locked for any of the following reasons:

  • Too many incorrect password attempts
  • Your Administrator or Manager has locked the account
  • Accurri has locked the account due to security concerns or a suspected licence breach


If Accurri locks an account, we will email the User and the Administrator via email that the account is locked.



Licence expiring message

After logging in, if the licence for Accurri is due to expire in 14 days or less you will see a message similar to this, "Your Accurri Licence expires in [number of days] days on [Date it expires]." Accurri can still be used as normal if you see this message, it acts as a reminder that an invoice may be outstanding and this should be investigated with your Administrator or Manager. Please check if you have received an invoice from Accurri.


From the date the licence expires there is a 14-day courtesy period, where you will still be able to access Accurri. Once this 14-day period has expired, you will no longer be able to log in to Accurri.


Administrators and Managers can see the date your licence expires and the licence type in Manage users.



System updates

While the software is being updated, you will not be able to log in and a message will be shown on the screen after attempting to log in. Updates usually take less than an hour and as soon as the system is available again, you will be able to login as normal. No action is required by users, as all updates will be available to all users, the next time they log in.