Video help 

Import reportImport report

In this video:

  • Back up report
  • Import report


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Import report

Import report imports data from a different report. Depending on the requirements, Copy content could also be used when creating a new report.

To create a duplicate of a report use Duplicate report.

Before making major changes to an existing report we recommend a backup of the report is created with Duplicate report.

To import data from a different report:

  • Open the report to import into
  • Click Inputs > Import report
  • Select the entity to import the data from (Source entity)
  • Select the report to import the data from (Source report) 
  • Select the sections and notes to import
  • Select the type of data to import (for example, paragraphs, user inserted content, Trial Balance)
  • Click Import report
  • Follow the on-screen prompts
  • Click OK
  • Any existing data for the open report will be deleted

Note: Entities which contain no reports, or the user has no access to, will not be shown.

Importing a Trial Balance or Adjustments

When importing a Trial Balance or Adjustments from a different entity, with multiple divisions, the software needs to be supplied with mapping for the divisions between the source report and the destination report.

If mapping is required, the following screen will be displayed:

Image shows Source divisions on the left and destination divisions on the right in the Import options screen

  • The Source divisions on the left side are the divisions from the source entity
  • Select the Destination division on the right side, this is where the imported data will be imported into
  • Destination divisions can only be selected once. If the same destination division is selected more than once, the OK button will be disabled

For each period, either Allocations only, Balances and allocations or Balances only or nothing can be imported.

Importing a report with different report options

It is possible that the source report has different sections or notes turned on, due to its report options settings. For example, the source report may contain data in a section which is off in the destination report. If everything was imported within import report, then the content of the section would not be imported, as it does not exist in the destination report until after the source report is imported.

It is recommended, if importing report options within import report, that the report options are imported first. Then import the report contents as required.


Example 1 - importing sorting

To import sorting:

  • Open the report to import into
  • Click Inputs > Import report
  • Select the entity to import the sorting from (Source entity)
  • Select the report to import the sorting from (Source report) 
  • Click Select all sections to select all the sections (or individually to import the sorting for a specific section)
  • Click Section sorting in the Sections and notes group
  • Click Note sorting in the Sections and notes group
  • Click Import report
  • Follow the on-screen prompts
  • Click OK

Example 2 - importing a Chart of Accounts

To import edited Chart of Accounts descriptions:

  • Open the report to import into
  • Click Inputs > Import report
  • Select the entity to import the Chart of Accounts from (Source entity)
  • Select the report to import the Chart of Accounts from (Source report) 
  • Click Chart of Accounts edited descriptions in the Inputs group
  • Click Import report
  • Follow the on-screen prompts
  • Click OK

Section and notes

A section or note must be selected first, otherwise these options will be disabled. Only options for the selected sections and notes will be imported.

Option Data imported Data deleted or replaced User rights required

Print switches

Print switches for the notes

Print switches for the notes

Import report

Custom sections

Imported custom sections

Existing custom sections

Import report

Report sections

Section sorting

Section sorting

Existing section sorting

Import report

Report sections

Note names

Note names

Existing note names

Import report

Note sorting

Note sorting

Existing sorting

Import report

Sort notes in output

Sort position categories


A note must be selected first, otherwise these options will be disabled. Only options for the selected notes will be imported and deleted.

Option Data imported Data deleted or replaced User rights required


System paragraph content

XBRL tags

Note sorting

System paragraph content

XBRL tags

Note sorting

Import report

NOTE: XBRL tags can still changed using 'Import report' and 'Reset report' when the 'XBRL Tagging' user right is 'Off'

Table headers

System table headers

Note sorting

System table headers

Note sorting

Import report

Table content

System table names

System table content

XBRL tags

Note sorting

System table names

System table content

XBRL tags

Note sorting

Import report

NOTE: XBRL tags can still changed using 'Import report' and 'Reset report' when the 'XBRL Tagging' user right is 'Off'

User inserted content

User inserted paragraphs

User inserted tables

User inserted balance checks

User inserted images

User inserted page breaks

XBRL tags

Note sorting

User inserted paragraphs

User inserted tables

User inserted balance checks

User inserted images

User inserted page breaks

XBRL tags

Note sorting

Import report

NOTE: XBRL tags can still changed using 'Import report' and 'Reset report' when the 'XBRL Tagging' user right is 'Off'




Import report

User inserted notes

Option Data imported Data deleted or replaced User rights required

Select notes

User inserted notes

User created sections

None. Imported user notes and user created sections are always imported as new notes and new sections

Import report

Report options

Option Data imported Data deleted or replaced User rights required

Report options

All report options

Report options are replaced with the imported report options

Import report



Report variables

Custom variables

Report sections





Option Data imported Data deleted or replaced User rights required

Trial Balance

Trial Balance for the selected divisions with allocations and balances depending on user selected setting

Existing Trial Balances for the divisions selected

Import report

Import Trial Balances

Edit Trial Balances


Adjustments for the selected divisions

Existing adjustments or nothing, depending on the user selected setting

Import report

Import Adjustments

Edit Adjustments

Chart of Accounts edited descriptions

Chart of Accounts descriptions

Existing Chart of Accounts descriptions

Import report

Import Chart of Accounts

Edit Chart of Accounts

Chart of Accounts roundings

Chart of Accounts roundings

Existing Chart of Accounts roundings

Import report

Disclosures - favourites

Disclosures favourites

Existing disclosures favourites

Import report


Disclosures - other information

Disclosures - other information data

Existing disclosures - other information data

Import report



Option Data imported Data deleted or replaced User rights required

Cash flow

Cash flow module data

Existing cash flow module data

Import report

Cash flow


Report documents

Existing documents with the same filename

Import report



Mapping data

Existing mapping data

Import report

Import mapping

Edit mapping


Notepad data

Existing notepad data

Import report

Remaining contractual maturities

Remaining contractual maturities data

Existing remaining contractual maturities data

Import report

Tax effect

Tax effect data

Existing tax effect data

Import report

Weighted average shares

Weighted average shares data

Weighted average shares data

Import report


Workpapers data

Workpapers data

Import report


XBRL extra tags

XBRL extras tags

XBRL extras tags

Import report
