Remaining contractual maturities

  • The remaining contractual maturities module is used to calculate the remaining contractual maturities (RCM) of financial liabilities, including interest and principal cash flows, for use in the liquidity risk section of the financial instruments note
  • This is purposely done on a simplified basis, including using an average balance, and may not be suitable where daily or monthly interest charge calculations are preferred or required



Adding a new class

An unlimited number of classes may be added to the module.


To add a new class:

  • Click Modules > RCM
  • Click New
  • Type a class name
  • Enter the rate
  • Click OK



Entering data for a class

To enter data for a class:

  • Click Modules > RCM
  • Click on any class name to open the class
  • Click the table to edit
  • Data can be entered for each one of the five columns for years 1 to 5. Only the 'Principal expected to be repaid' row is editable
  • Click Save
  • After the table is saved the 'Remaining balance', 'Average balance', 'Interest' and 'Remaining contractual maturities' will be automatically calculated



Renaming a class

To rename a class:

  • Click Modules > RCM
  • Click on any class name to open the class
  • Edit the class name



Changing the rate %

To change the rate:

  • Click Modules > RCM
  • Click on any class name to open the class
  • Click the table to edit
  • Edit the rate % to a new number
  • Click Save



Deleting a class

To delete a class:

  • Click Modules > RCM
  • Click the delete icon next to the class name
  • Follow the on-screen prompts
  • Click OK
  • One default class will always remain and the delete icon will be disabled



Returning to the class list

To return to the class list:

  • Click Modules > RCM



Exporting all classes to Excel

To export all classes to Excel:

  • Click Modules > RCM
  • Click Export