
  • The profit or loss format is dependent on how you allocate your numbers (Trial Balance and Adjustments)
  • There are over 100 combinations between the different gross profit, net revenue, revenue, expenses, operating profit, EBITDA and discontinued operations
  • The following are some of the more popular profit or loss formats, other allocations can be used, allocation descriptions and headers can be changed, total revenue and total expenses subtotals can be turned on and so on
  • The allocations used in the linked notes are shown in red


Standard revenue with expenses by nature


Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose Standard revenue with expenses by nature.



Other combinations include:

  • Revenue on the face of the statement (allocations RVRXA to RVRXJ)
  • Revenue with supporting notes (allocations RVNAA to RVNJZ)
  • Expenses with supporting notes (allocations EXPAA to EXPJZ)
  • Expenses by function (allocations EXPZA to EXPZT)


Standard revenue with expenses by nature detailed in the notes


Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose Standard revenue with expenses by nature detailed in the notes.



Other combinations include:

  • Revenue on the face of the statement (allocations RVRXA to RVRXJ)
  • Revenue with supporting notes (allocations RVNAA to RVNJZ)
  • Expenses by nature without supporting notes (allocations EXPYA to EXPYT)
  • Expenses by function without supporting notes (allocations EXPZA to EXPZT)
  • Expenses mixed between with supporting notes ((allocations EXPAA to EXPJZ) and without supporting notes (allocations EXPYA to EXPYT), like the example above that uses EXPYT for Finance costs


Standard revenue with expenses by nature and discontinued operations

Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose Standard revenue with expenses by nature and discontinued operations..



Other combinations include:

  • Revenue on the face of the statement (allocations RVRXA to RVRXJ)
  • Revenue with supporting notes (allocations RVNAA to RVNJZ)
  • Expenses with supporting notes (allocations EXPAA to EXPJZ)
  • Expenses by function (allocations EXPZA to EXPZT)


Standard revenue with expenses by function


Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose Standard revenue with expenses by function..



Other combinations include:

  • Revenue on the face of the statement (allocations RVRXA to RVRXJ)
  • Revenue with supporting notes (allocations RVNAA to RVNJZ)
  • Expenses with supporting notes (allocations EXPAA to EXPJZ)
  • Expenses by nature (allocations EXPYA to EXPYT)


Revenue with cost of sales and expenses by function


Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose revenue with cost of sales and expenses by function..



Other combinations include:

  • More than one row for sale of goods with supporting notes (allocations RVLAA to RVLEZ) and on the face (allocations RVFAA to RVFAJ) and there is an additional section for gross profit or net revenue below the other revenue rows
  • More than one row for cost of sales, including opening and closing stock balances or a breakdown of the costs (allocations RVLFA to RVLJZ and RVFBA to RVFBJ)
  • Edit Gross profit to Net revenue or something else
  • Revenue on the face of the statement (allocations RVRXA to RVRXJ)
  • Revenue with supporting notes (allocations RVNAA to RVNJZ)
  • Expenses with supporting notes (allocations EXPAA to EXPJZ)


Revenue with cost of sales, gross profit, operating profit and non-operating expenses on the face of the statement


Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose revenue with cost of sales, gross profit, operating profit and non-operating expenses on the face of the statement.



Other combinations include:

  • More than one row for sale of goods with supporting notes (allocations RVLAA to RVLEZ) and on the face (allocations RVFAA to RVFAJ) and there is an additional section for gross profit or net revenue below the other revenue rows
  • More than one row for cost of sales, including opening and closing stock balances or a breakdown of the costs (allocations RVLFA to RVLJZ and RVFBA to RVFBJ)
  • Edit Gross profit to Net revenue or something else
  • Revenue on the face of the statement (allocations RVRXA to RVRXJ)
  • Revenue with supporting notes (allocations RVNAA to RVNJZ)
  • Expenses with supporting notes (allocations EXPAA to EXPJZ)
  • Non-operating revenue with supporting notes (allocations RVOAA to RVOEZ) and non-operating expenses with supporting notes (allocations EXOAA to EXOEZ)


Revenue with cost of sales, gross profit, operating profit and non-operating expenses detailed in the notes


Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose revenue with cost of sales, gross profit, operating profit and non-operating expenses detailed in the notes..



Other combinations include:

  • Edit Gross profit to Net revenue or something else
  • Revenue on the face of the statement (allocations RVRXA to RVRXJ)
  • Revenue with supporting notes (allocations RVNAA to RVNJZ)
  • Non-operating expenses on the face of the statement (allocations EXOSA to EXOSJ)


Standard revenue with expenses by nature and EBITDA


Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose Standard revenue with expenses by nature and EBITDA.



Other combinations include:

  • More than one row for sale of goods with supporting notes (allocations RVLAA to RVLEZ) and on the face (allocations RVFAA to RVFAJ) and there is an additional section for gross profit or net revenue below the other revenue rows
  • More than one row for cost of sales, including opening and closing stock balances or a breakdown of the costs (allocations RVLFA to RVLJZ and RVFBA to RVFBJ)
  • Edit Gross profit to Net revenue or something else
  • Revenue on the face of the statement (allocations RVRXA to RVRXJ)
  • Revenue with supporting notes (allocations RVNAA to RVNJZ)
  • Expenses with supporting notes (allocations EXPAA to EXPJZ)
  • Non-operating expenses on the face of the statement (allocations EXOSA to EXOSJ)


Revenue on the face of the statement with expenses by nature and EBITDA


Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose Standard revenue on the face of the statement with expenses by nature and EBITDA.



Other combinations include:

  • More than one row for sale of goods with supporting notes (allocations RVLAA to RVLEZ) and on the face (allocations RVFAA to RVFAJ) and there is an additional section for gross profit or net revenue below the other revenue rows
  • More than one row for cost of sales, including opening and closing stock balances or a breakdown of the costs (allocations RVLFA to RVLJZ and RVFBA to RVFBJ)
  • Edit Gross profit to Net revenue or something else
  • Revenue with supporting notes (allocations RVNAA to RVNJZ)
  • Expenses with supporting notes (allocations EXPAA to EXPJZ)
  • Non-operating expenses on the face of the statement (allocations EXOSA to EXOSJ)


Net revenue and expenses (banking)   



Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose net revenue and expenses (banking).


Other combinations include:

  • Net interest income with interest and interest expense netted in a note
  • Expenses grouped as ‘Other operating expenses’ and detailed in a note
  • Non-operating expenses on the face of the statement (allocations EXOSA to EXOSJ)



Detailed income and expenses with undistributed profit (Managed investment scheme)


Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose detailed income and expenses with undistributed profit (Managed investment scheme)



Detailed income and expenses with fully distributed profit (Managed investment scheme)


Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose detailed income and expenses with fully distributed profit (Managed investment scheme)



Standard revenue with expenses by nature and members remuneration (LLP)


Image shows Profit or loss screen in software. It has been formatted to disclose standard revenue with expenses by nature and members remuneration (LLP).



Other combinations include:

  • Sale of goods (allocations RVLAA to RVLEZ and RVFAA to RVFAJ) and cost of sales (allocations RVLFA to RVLJZ and RVFBA to RVFBJ)
  • Expenses with supporting notes (allocations EXPAA to EXPJZ)
  • Expenses by function (allocations EXPZA to EXPZT)
  • Non-operating revenue with supporting notes (allocations RVOAA to RVOCZ) and non-operating expenses with supporting notes (allocations EXOAA to EXOCZ)
  • Members remuneration and profit shares with supporting notes (allocations RVODA to RVOEZ and EXODA to EXOEZ)