Example Financial Statements

All users are provided access to our Example Financial Statements.


To access the Example Financial Statements:

  • Click the User initials menu (at the top right of the screen)
  • Click Examples
  • Select the reporting jurisdiction
  • Select the entity type
  • Tick the Example Financial Statements to download (select PDF and/or Word format)
  • Click Export

To download all the Example Financial Statements available for a jurisdiction:

  • Click the User initials menu (at the top right of the screen)
  • Click Examples
  • Select the reporting jurisdiction
  • Select the Download all examples option
  • Example Financial Statements will be downloaded both in Word and PDF format in a ZIP file


Available in PDF and Word formats, the Example Financial Statements are produced by the software and are updated to reflect the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as at 30 June (Australia) and 31 December (all regions) each year.