Insurance contracts

There are two components to insurance contracts disclosures:

  • Insurance contracts profit or loss disclosures (primary statements)
  • Insurance contracts disclosures (notes disclosures)


Non-insurance reporting entities may only use the notes disclosures. However, insurance and reinsurance reporting entities should use both the primary statements disclosures and notes disclosures.



Creating new reports

Please follow the below steps to create a new insurance contracts primary statements report:

  • Create a new report
  • Click Sections > Profit or loss > Settings
  • Set Insurance contracts profit or loss to On
  • Click Sections > Financial position > Settings
  • Set Statement format - position to Yes - Liquidity (optional) - also consider setting Exclude liquidity in notes to On via Reports > Options > Setup (Links)
  • In Accounting policies note, under New or amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations adopted, turn on the paragraph for AASB 17 / IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts


Please follow the below steps to create a new insurance contracts notes disclosures report:

  • Create a new report
  • Click Sections > Notes > Settings
  • Set Insurance contracts disclosures to On
  • In Accounting policies note, under New or amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations adopted, turn on the paragraph for AASB 17 / IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts



Converting existing reports


Please follow the below steps to convert to insurance contracts primary statements:

  • Roll forward the prior year report
  • Click Sections > Profit or loss > Settings
  • Set Insurance contracts profit or loss to On
  • Click Sections > Financial position > Settings
  • Set Statement format - position to Yes - Liquidity (optional) - also consider setting Exclude liquidity in notes to On via Reports > Options > Setup (Links)
  • In Accounting policies note, under New or amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations adopted, turn on the paragraph for AASB 17 / IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts
  • Update for the new disclosures, as required (see below)


For primary statements:

  • An insurance service result, comprising insurance revenue and insurance service expenses
  • Investment income
  • Insurance finance income or expenses
  • Other income or expenses
  • Other comprehensive income - Net finance expenses from insurance contracts
  • Other comprehensive income - Net finance income from reinsurance contracts
  • Insurance contracts issued that are assets
  • Insurance contracts issued that are liabilities
  • Reinsurance contracts issued that are assets
  • Reinsurance contracts issued that are liabilities


Please follow the below steps to convert to insurance contracts notes disclosures:

  • Roll forward the prior year report
  • Click Sections > Notes > Settings
  • Set Insurance contracts disclosures to On
  • In Accounting policies note, under New or amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations adopted, turn on the paragraph for AASB 17 / IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts
  • Update for the new disclosures, as required (see below)


For notes disclosures:

  • Material accounting policies information: Revenue recognition, Insurance finance revenue and expenses, Insurance and reinsurance contracts
  • Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions: Fulfilment cash flows, Risk adjustment for non-financial risk, Insurance discount rates, Investment component, Contractual service margin, Insurance finance revenue and expenses
  • Insurance revenue
  • Investment income and insurance financial result
  • Issued capital: Minimum regulatory capital requirements
  • Reserves: Insurance finance reserve
  • Insurance and reinsurance contracts (column headers can be edited, for example for the PAA measurement approach in ‘Reconciliation of remaining coverage and incurred claims' tables, column headers could be renamed to ‘Remaining coverage’, ‘Incurred claims - present value of future cash flows’ and 'Incurred claims - risk adjustment for non-financial risk’)
  • Financial instruments: Insurance risk, Price risk, Credit risk, Liquidity risk


For the first year of adoption, based on the full retrospective approach, the restatement disclosures may include:

  • Statement of financial position: third column for opening comparative financial position
  • Statement of changes in equity: restated comparative opening balance
  • Restatement of comparatives note
  • Retained profits: restated comparative opening balance


There are two booklets available:

  • AASB 17 Insurance Contracts (download the booklet)
  • IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts (download the booklet)


Insurance contracts examples are available under the User initials menu (at the top right of the screen) > Examples