Video help

Manage usersManage users


In this video:

  • Administrators
  • Reviewers
  • Managers
  • Users
  • Creating a new user
  • Authentication options
  • Access control
  • Adding licences


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Access control

Access control allows Administrators and Managers to grant or deny access to entities for each user.



Manage access by entity

To configure access to a selected entity or entities for each user:


  • Click Administration > Access control
  • Click the By entity button
  • Click the Entity name to set access for
  • Click the On or Off switch next to each user to set access
  • To update multiple users at the same time, click all required usernames, then click the Access on or Access off button
  • To update all users at the same time, click the Select all button, then click the Access on or Access off button



Manage access by user

To configure the entities that can be accessed for a selected user:

  • Click Administration > Access control
  • Click the By user button
  • Click the Username to set access for
  • Click the On or Off switch next to each entity to set access
  • To update multiple entities at the same time, click all required entity names, then click the Access on or Access off button
  • To update all entities at the same time, click the Select all button, then click the Access on or Access off button