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In this video:

  • Create a Disclosures file
  • Naming tables
  • Editing the Disclosures file
  • Importing a Disclosures file


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Disclosures allows tables to be exported from the report to an Excel file. This file can be sent to anyone for editing and imported into the report.


If the Disclosures menu option is not visible, then the logged in user does not have rights to access it. User rights are managed by Administrators or Managers.



Create a Disclosures file

To create a Disclosures file:

  • Click Inputs > Disclosures
  • A list of sections will be displayed. Only named tables appear in the list. Most tables can be named, see Adding more tables to the Disclosures export list
  • Click the tables to include in the Disclosures file
  • Click Export
  • The software will offer to remember the selected items. Clicking Yes will remember the selected items for that report
  • An Excel file containing the items selected will be downloaded


Image shows the Disclosures screen in the software.



Other information (Not importable)
  • Other information can be used to collect other disclosures, it will not be imported into the report
  • Each of the 26 questions are editable by clicking the green edit icon next to the question


Adding more tables to the Disclosures export list

There is a default list of tables. More tables can be added to the list by giving a table a name to identify it.


To name a table:

  • Click on the table to edit it 
  • Type in a table name
  • The table name will then be available for export in Inputs > Disclosures


Most tables can be named, however there are a few exceptions, where tables cannot be named and therefore cannot be exported.



Editing the Disclosures file

  • Only grey cells in the Excel Disclosures file can be edited, all other cells are locked
  • Locked cells cannot be edited because that data is not editable within the software
  • Data entered is validated, so alpha characters cannot be entered into a cell which requires a number
  • Most options for the worksheet are disabled


The worksheet is password protected and we are unable to supply the password to unlock the worksheet. The worksheet is protected to maintain its structure so it can be imported back into the software. However, the workbook is not locked, so you can insert and link other worksheets, including duplicating the primary worksheet.



Importing the Disclosures file

If the Disclosures Import button option is disabled, then the logged in user does not have rights to access it. User rights are managed by Administrators or Managers.


To import a Disclosures file:

  • Click Inputs > Disclosures
  • Click Import 
  • Select the file to import
  • Click OK
  • A screen like the image below will be displayed
  • Click on all tables to be imported into the report, note that the OK button will be disabled until at least one table is selected to be imported. Note: All existing data for the table(s) selected will be deleted. We recommend taking a backup of the report before completing any major changes
  • Click OK


Image shows the Import Disclosures screen. It lists the tables that can be selected to import.


Errors when importing Disclosures

When importing Disclosures, the following must match between the report where the Disclosures file is being imported and the report options that were used to create the Disclosures files:

  • Basis of preparation
  • Show consolidation
  • Show parent/Show single entity
  • Show comparatives

If any of these options do not match, a warning similar to the image below will be shown and the Disclosures will not import.


Image shows an error message that says 'Unable to import the selected disclosure file due to a conflict with report options'.



If a table fails to import a message will be shown. Possible reasons a table may fail to import:

  • Invalid data in the Excel file, for example alpha characters in a numeric cell
  • Hyphens in the file. Open the Disclosures file in Excel and hold CTRL on your keyboard and press 'F'. Then type a hyphen '-' in the 'Find what' box. Ensure that any hyphens found are not in a numeric cell
  • The table in the Disclosures file has a different row sort order to the table in the report
  • The table in the Disclosures file has a different column sort order to the table in the report



Example email

Subject: [COMPANYNAME] - Disclosures - [DATE]


Hello [NAME]


Please find attached the [DATE] disclosures file for [COMPANYNAME] for you to complete and return to us.


The disclosures file is designed to collate additional information required for the preparation of the [REPORT]. It covers those additional items not otherwise within the Trial Balances. It is strongly recommended that you (as preparer) review last year's Annual Report whilst completing the disclosures, so you understand what was disclosed last year. The completed disclosures file, together with an electronic version of the Trial Balances, should be all the information we require to complete the [REPORT] unless there are technical issues.


The Excel file is protected and as such you (as preparer) are only permitted to enter data in the grey cells.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Thank you for your assistance.