Graphic design files

  • When the Report is output to Word (refer to Outputs), styles are applied in the Word document consistent with those selected in Styles
  • Even if the default is selected, styles can be subsequently edited using the Styles feature in Word at any time



Changing styles in Word

Styles is a feature that enables fonts and formats to be changed on a global basis. For instance, changing the style of the note header will change it throughout the report. The intention of this feature is to aid graphic designers, including subsequently 'Placing' in Adobe InDesign (refer to the email below to the Graphic Designer to read how this is done), however other users may find this helpful.


To change styles in Word:

  • In the Home ribbon, select Apply Styles and the following dialog will appear showing all the styles in the document:


Image shows the Styles options available in Microsoft Word.



  • In the same dialog, click on a style and select Modify, which will open the following dialog so that the style can be modified and it will change all the paragraphs with this style applied throughout the report:


Image shows the Modify Styles options available in Microsoft Word.


  • Finally, a search should be performed at the end of the graphic process for 'page' in case page number references throughout the report have changed.



View table lines in Word

In Word, to view the table lines on the screen:

  • Click File > Options > Advanced > Show document content > Show text boundaries
  • Tick Show text boundaries
  • This is a global setting and it will apply to all other files subsequently opened in Word



Example email

Following is an example of an email that would be sent to a Graphic Designer:


Subject: [COMPANYNAME] - Annual Report - [DATE] - Graphic Design Files (STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL)


To: [NAME]


Hello [NAME]


Please find attached the [COMPANYNAME] [DATE] Annual Report Graphic Design files in PDF and Microsoft Word.


We have exported the Annual Report from the Accurri software to Microsoft Word. This exported file has styles applied so if, for instance, you change the style of the note header it will change it throughout the report.


You can import this file into Adobe InDesign using Place (Create a new A4 document and select 'File > Place') and then holding shift while left mouse clicking to place all pages in the new Adobe InDesign file. This method will place in all content and maintain the styles applied so if, for instance, you change the style of the note header it will change it throughout the report.


[Remove this statement if 'Report sections' is used and all sections are included] Please note that the exported files are not the full Annual Report, only the sections prepared by Accurri. The Annual Report is as follows:


Accurri content:

– cover

– corporate directory

– directors' report (incorporating the remuneration report)

– financial report (incorporating the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, statement of financial position statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows, notes to the financial statements and the directors' declaration)

– shareholder information


Auditor prepares:

– auditor's independence declaration (as incorporated in the attached PDF)

– independent auditor's report (as incorporated in the attached PDF)


Content prepared outside of Accurri:

– chairman's report

– CEO's report

– operating and financial review

– corporate governance statements (as incorporated in the attached PDF)

– any other non-mandatory section not listed above


Finally, a search should be performed at the end of the graphic process for 'page' as this report has several references to page numbers throughout.


If you have any issues, please contact us.