Details on all outputs available

Output type File type Notes


PDF, Word or Excel

  • Reports are able to be exported in PDF, Word or Excel format. 
  • NOTE: Custom sections will not be exported if Excel format is selected.

Report (Comments)

PDF or Word

  • Identical to the 'Report' output type with the comments

Report iXBRL


  • Specific country and basis of preparation combinations can output iXBRL
  • NOTE: This output is hidden if no tags exist in the report.  Reports are tagged in the XBRL module

Report - Highlighted Tags


  • Specific country and basis of preparation combinations can output iXBRL
  • Produces a file with XBRL tagged information highlighted
  • Hover over any highlight to view tag information
  • NOTE: This output is hidden if no tags exist in the report.  Reports are tagged in the XBRL module

Audit Trail - Comprehensive


Produces the following Audit Trails in one Excel file. Refer to Audit Trails for more information.

  • Summary - Current
  • Summary - Prior
  • Summary - Annual
  • Detailed
  • Profit - Current
  • Profit - Prior
  • Adjustments

Audit Trail - Divisional


  • Produces Audit Trails for each division, one per worksheet. Refer to Audit Trails for more information

Audit Trail - Subconsolidation


  • Produces current, prior and annual Audit Trails. Refer to Audit Trails for more information

Audit Trail - Cash flow


  • Audit Trail from the Cash flow module

Ratio Report

PDF or Word

Calculation Report

PDF or Word

  • Mainly used for Interim Reports. Refer to Calculations for more information

Internal Review Report

PDF or Word

Risk Report

PDF or Word

Analytical Report


  • Provides an analysis of the current period vs prior period with a variance in both currency and percentage

Remaining contractual maturities


Tax effect


Weighted average shares


Trial Balance


  • Downloads the Trial Balance



  • Downloads the mapping files
  • Note: there are two worksheets in the downloaded Excel file for Mapping by Account and Mapping by Code

Edited Chart of Accounts


  • Downloads all Chart of Accounts descriptions which have been edited



  • Downloads all notes in the notepad

Custom sections (if applicable)


Downloading outputs

To download outputs:

To download a single file:

  • Click the output name or click the download icon

To download multiple files in a zip file:

  • Click the boxes next to the required outputs
  • Click Export

Save outputs favourites

  • If the outputs selected are different to the last time they were exported, the software will offer to remember the selected outputs as favourites for that report
  • Output favourites are remembered by user, by report

To turn this on or off:

  • Click the Settings button
  • Click Save outputs favourites

Rename outputs

To rename an output:

  • Click the Edit icon
  • Type a new name

To reset a filename:

  • Click the Reset icon

Edits to filenames will be remembered while the report is open, they will reset when the report is next opened

Print comments

Prints comments in the outputs or hides them. This setting only applies to sections and notes exported within the report:  

  • Click the Settings button
  • Turn this setting to On to print Comments in the report
  • Turn this setting to Off to not print Comments

To download the entire report with comments download the 'Report (Comments)' in the required format,  To download the entire report without comments download the 'Report' in the required format.

Default outputs file names

  • Click the Settings button
  • The format of the filename can be edited

Adjustments - customisation of reference in Audit Trail

  • Click the Settings button
  • References for the Adjustments in the Audit Trail can have prefix or suffix added

Missing numbers in the Excel Audit Trail

  • Excel will by default, block access to editing of downloaded files, meaning it may not show all numbers when first opened
  • The Enable Editing button will either appear on a yellow bar near the top of the window in Excel, or in the File menu within Excel
  • To view all numbers in the Excel outputs, enable editing for the file by clicking the Enable Editing button

We recommend using Excel to open the Audit Trails. Other software may not open the file correctly. For example, Google Sheets does not have the ability to show the hyperlinks correctly and it will display hyperlinks instead of the actual numbers.

Contents page errors

If the contents page is displaying a report section twice, or is displaying an incorrect section name, see Errors on contents page

Add bookmarks to the output

To insert bookmarks in outputs:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Set Insert bookmarks to Yes

  • Note: Microsoft Word limits the length of bookmark names to be 40 characters, this will lead to section names of more than 40 characters having truncated bookmark names.

Hyperlinked notes

  • Where a note number exists in a note reference cell, the note number is automatically hyperlinked to the note
  • If a single note reference cell contains 2 note numbers, the hyperlink will go to the first note number

Space between notes

To edit the number of blank lines between each note:

  • Click Sections > Notes
  • Click the Settings button
  • Select 1, 2 or 3 blank lines for Space between notes

Adding page numbers

To insert page numbers in the footer:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Set Insert page numbers to Yes

 If there is an issue with page numbers and the report contains a custom section, this could be due to extra TOC markers in your custom section. See Contents for more information.


To change report margins:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Change the Left margin value and/or the Right margin value
  • The margins can be between 5mm and 35mm
  • The total margin width cannot exceed 40mm

Changing the margins will reduce the column widths proportionately.

Adding a logo

To add an entity logo:

  • Click Entities > Edit
  • Click Import logo
  • Select the file to import
  • Click OK

To turn a logo on in a report:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Set Insert logo in page header to Yes

Graphic design work

If further graphic design work is required for your report, see Graphic Design files for information on changing styles within Word.

Example email - Annual Report and supporting information


Dear [NAME]

Please find attached the [XX] DRAFT of the [DATE] Annual Report for [COMPANYNAME], together with supporting files.

We would like to highlight the following points:


We have the following queries:


We will need the following from you in due course:


– directors' report – review of operations wording

– note 1 – going concern wording

– income tax final workings and breakdown (income tax expense, deferred tax asset, deferred tax liability and franking credits available) (the draft numbers, but not the breakdown, are in this draft)

– if a dividend is declared between now and the signing date, the details of this

– details of AGM and updated shareholder information (6 week rule)

We will need the following from the auditors in due course:


– the auditor's independence declaration and independent auditor's report will be inserted on finalisation

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Example email - Interim Report and supporting information


Dear [NAME]

Please find attached the [XX] DRAFT of the [DATE] Interim Report for [COMPANYNAME], together with supporting files.

We would like to highlight the following points:


We have the following queries:


We will need the following from you in due course:


– directors' report – review of operations wording

– note 1 – going concern wording

– income tax final workings

– if a dividend is declared between now and the signing date, the details of this

We will need the following from the auditors in due course:


– the independence declaration and audit review report will be inserted on finalisation

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.