Customising the cover

The following options; Page header spare lineTrading name and Former entity name, can be set to print on the front cover only or on the cover and in the page headers:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Click Spare line, trading name and former entity name on cover only

Importing a custom cover

The following cover templates are available to download and edit:

After downloading and editing, import the file as a custom section:

  • Open the report in Accurri and click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click the green Import button and import the cover saved in Word earlier
  • Turn Print section to No for the existing system generated cover in Report sections
  • If required, drag and drop the inserted cover to the correct sort order

Alternatively, follow these steps to create a custom cover:

  • Export the report to Word in Outputs
  • Delete all pages of the report except the cover
  • Edit the cover in Word as required and save the changes
  • Open the report in Accurri and click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click the green Import button and import the cover saved in Word earlier
  • Turn Print section to No for the existing system generated cover in Report sections
  • If required, drag and drop the inserted cover to the correct sort order