Video help

Sorting dataSorting data


In this video:

  • Sorting report sections
  • Sorting Directors' report
  • Sorting Balance sheet
  • Sorting notes
  • Sorting table rows


Jump to a specific point in the video with the chapters button in the video.





Directors' report features

If the Directors' report is available for the selected country and basis of preparation, it can be turned on or off:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Set Print section to Yes (on) or No (off)


Image shows the Directors' report screen in the software. The on-screen options have been labelled with numbers which correspond to the numbers in the table below.



  Option Function Notes

Show all or used

Shows all or only used notes

  • All: shows all notes
  • Used: shows notes which are on and will print

New note

Adds a new note

  • A note is created with one paragraph
  • Insert new content in the note using the right click menu
  • Open the new note and click the Delete note button to delete it


General settings for all notes



Sort the notes

  • Click Sort, then drag and drop the notes to move them

Send to PDF

Download all notes to PDF file


Send to Word

Download all notes to Word file


Turn note on and off

Turns a note on and off


Edit note

Opens the note for editing

  • Same functionality as #10


Searches all notes


Edit note

Opens the note for editing

  • Same functionality as #8


General settings for the notes




Sole officer

To reference a sole officer in the Directors' report (Director's report) and the Directors' declaration (Director's declaration):

  • Click Reports > Options > Signatories
  • Set Sole officer to No, Yes - Male (His)Yes - Female (Her) or Yes - Their (Their)



Space between notes

To edit the number of blank lines between each note:

  • Click Sections > Directors' report
  • Click the Settings button
  • Select 1, 2 or 3 blank lines for Space between notes