A non-controlling interest note is not mandatory, but its inclusion should be considered.


Where there is a non-controlling interest:

  • The share of profit/(loss) should be allocated or adjusted to APPMI in the 'statement of profit or loss'
  • The share of equity should be allocated or adjusted to EQM## in the 'statement of financial position'



Technical notes

The allocations APPMI, EQMSC, EQMRE and EQMRP are used for non-controlling interests.


If processing an Adjustment for non-controlling interest (but this can also be imported as consolidation entries via a Trial Balance), it would look like this:


Important note: APPMI - Profit/loss attributable to NCI/MI - share of profit is a Debit, share of loss is a Credit to APPMI


Image shows a screenshot of the Adjustments screen in the software. An adjustment has been made to account for non-controlling interest.



Below an example of part of the 'statement of profit or loss':


Image shows an excerpt of the Statement of Profit or loss. the Non-controlling interest table has been populated.



Below is an example of the equity section of the 'statement of financial position':


Image shows an excerpt of the Equity section of the Statement of Financial Position. Non-controlling interest is included.



A detailed break-down of the non-controlling interest can be created in the non-controlling interest note (please note that this is not required by the Accounting Standards, hence there are no references, but we recommend the note stay turned on):


Image shows an excerpt of the Non-controlling interest note. The table has been populated.