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In this video:

  • Mapping introduction
  • Mapping by account
  • Mapping by code


Jump to a specific point in the video with the chapters button in the video.







Mapping case studyMapping case study


In this video:

  • Understanding mapping with a case study



Mapping features

Mapping is intended to save significant time allocating and is an alternative manual allocation.


Note: Mapping is at an entity level, not a report level, meaning that mapping is shared between reports within the same entity.


Image shows an excerpt of the Mapping by code screen in the Mapping module found in the software. The on-screen options have been numbered and correspond to the numbers in the table below.



  Option Function Notes

Allocation filter

Changes how the allocation is displayed

  • Code: allocations are presented with the code first, then the description, for example: CACOH - Cash on hand
  • Description: allocations are presented with the description first, then the code, for example: Cash on hand - CACOH

Mapping by Account

Switch to Mapping by Account


Mapping by Code

Switch to Mapping by Code



Import a mapping file from Excel


Auto map

Maps the file automatically

  • Select all accounts or just unallocated accounts and Accurri will automatically map based on the descriptions
  • Check the allocations once auto map is complete


Delete rows

  • If no rows are selected, delete all mapping
  • If rows are selected using #9, delete the selected rows


Find and replace allocations

  • Replace for all allocations, or the allocations selected with the tickbox


Export to Excel

  • Exports to Excel including any filters
  • Mapping can also be downloaded in Outputs


Selects the mapping row



Mapping allocation

  • Type all or part of an allocation or description
  • A full list of codes is available here



Mapping by Account

  • Mapping by account is generally used when there are multiple Trial Balances and a common General Ledger Chart of Accounts
  • Use mapping to allocate the common chart from the General Ledger and when Trial Balances are imported using mapping by account, the account numbers will be matched and allocated.


See the Import examples topic for examples on mapping by account.



Import Mapping by Account

To import a Mapping by Account file:

  • Click Modules > Mapping
  • Click Mapping by Account
  • Click Import 
  • In Import mapping by select Account
  • Select the file to import
  • Click OK
  • Importing new data will merge with any existing data.

    The required format of the import file is:


  Column A Column B Column C


General Ledger Account number

General Ledger Account name

Accurri Allocation






100 characters

maximum length

200 characters

maximum length

5 characters



The following image shows a valid sample file:


Image shows a valid Excel import file. Column A is the general ledger account number and Column B is the general ledger account name..



As the sample file above has no column C, the accounts can either be manually mapped, or use Auto map to automatically map them. See Allocating for more details.

Apply Mapping by account retrospectively
  • If changes were made to the mapping by account file and you want these to flow through to the Trial Balance(s), then Mapping by account can be applied to already imported Trial Balances
  • See the Trial Balance topic for further information.



Mapping by Code

  • Mapping by code is generally used where third-party software, such as audit software or management/analytical reporting software is used, and this software has a mapping code
  • Or Trial Balances may have been previously mapped/coded manually in Excel, including using description such as 'Cash at bank'
  • The mapping code from the third-party software is imported and allocated and when the Trial Balances are imported using mapping by code with these codes included, it will match the codes and replace these with Accurri allocations.


Auto map can be used to allocate the Trial Balances and export the data for import into third-party software, as software will produce the mapping allocation in the Trial Balance output. This saves set-up time in the third-party software.


See the Import examples topic for examples on mapping by code.



Import Mapping by Code

To import a Mapping by code file:

  • Click Modules > Mapping
  • Click Mapping by Code
  • Click Import 
  • In Import mapping by select Code
  • Select the file to import
  • Click OK
  • Importing new data will merge with any existing data

    The required format of the import file is:


  Column A Column B Column C


Mapping code

Mapping name

Accurri Allocation






100 characters

maximum length *

200 characters

maximum length

5 characters



* The mapping code can be a number, a code, text or any combination of letters, numbers and characters. If there is no code associated with the mapping name, duplicate the name from Column B to Column A, assuming each description is unique.


The following image shows a valid sample file:


Image shows a valid Excel import file. Column A is the mapping code and Column B is the Mapping name.



As the sample file above has no column C, the accounts can either be manually mapped, or use Auto map to automatically map them. See Allocating for more details.



Import errors

There are several types of error that could occur while importing a mapping file:

  • Empty mapping file (it could also be blank rows at the top)
  • Account number not found (it could also be blank rows at the bottom)
  • Account number duplicated (each account number must be unique)
  • Account description not found
  • Account allocation not found



Allocating the mapping file

Include the Accurri allocation in the import file

The Accurri allocation can be imported at the same time, within the mapping by account or mapping by code file.


Manual allocation

Refer to Primary Chart of Accounts for a complete list of allocations. If manually allocating, you can type in all, or part, of an allocation code, or part of a description and it will filter to the matches.


Auto map

Select all accounts or just unallocated accounts and Accurri will automatically allocate the mapping based on the descriptions. Check the allocations once auto map is complete.