
The following options are available for styles:

  • Default: will produce the report output using Accurri default styles
  • Customised: will allow the customisation of styles for the current report and it will produce the report output using these selections.


Styles are exported to Word as part of the report, so the font can easily be changed to a custom font, if it is not included in the list below by using styles in Word. For further information see the graphic design files topic.




  • The following fonts are available within Accurri: Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Century, Courier New, Helvetica LT Std, Lucida Sans, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana
  • Custom fonts that may be licensed by a client cannot be added to, or imported into, Accurri
  • Custom fonts can be applied to the outputs once they have been exported



Font size

  • There are a number of font sizes available for reports within Accurri, ranging from 4 pt to 36 pt



Font colours

  • Click on the coloured squares to open the colour picker to select the required colour



Underline line style

  • Subtotal and total underlines can be drawn for numeric cells, which is the default, or drawn for the table width
  • Table width means the underline will go from the left hand side of the table to the right hand side
  • These settings are global and apply to all tables, there is no option to control subtotal and total underlines at a table level.



Reset styles

To reset the styles to the default styles:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Click Reset styles



Import styles

Styles can be configured for each user and then imported into any report.

This could be used when a corporate (or common) style should be applied to all reports and a report template is not being used. Each user would set the required style and then import it as per the steps above. This saves the user setting the styles manually for each report.


To import a user style:

  • Set the style required in Administration > My preferences
  • Open a report
  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Select Customised in the Style group
  • Click Import and follow the prompts



Export styles

To download a sample Word document showing the selected styles, including their names:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Click Export


Adjusting gap

To change the size of the gap between the header and body of tables in the report:
•    Click Reports > Options > Styles
•    Select the desired size at Print gap after table header


Delimiter columns

To change the print settings for table delimiter columns:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Select the desired setting at Print table delimiter columns 

Insert logo in report header

For this option to be enabled, a logo must be added in Edit entity.


To insert a logo in the report header:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Set Page settings - Insert logo in report header to Yes



Two columns - accounting policies

To output the accounting policies note in two columns:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Set Page settings - Two columns - accounting policies to Yes


When two columns is selected, we recommend setting the total page margins to no more than 30mm as there is less space on the page due to the gap between column 1 and column 2. A setting of more than 30mm may result in the 2 columns overlapping.



Two columns - critical accounting

To output the critical accounting note in two columns:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Set Page settings - Two columns - critical accounting to Yes


When two columns is selected, we recommend setting the total page margins to no more than 30mm as there is less space on the page due to the gap between column 1 and column 2. A setting of more than 30mm may result in the 2 columns overlapping.



Insert page numbers

To turn page numbers in the footer on or off:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Set Page settings Insert page numbers to Yes or No



Insert bookmarks

To turn bookmarks for each section in the Word and PDF outputs on or off:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Set Page settings Insert bookmarks to Yes or No


Known issue: Note that Word limits the length of bookmark names to be 40 characters, this will lead to section names of more than 40 characters having truncated bookmark names.



Page margins

To change the page margins:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Set the Page settings - Left margin value and the Right margin values
  • The margins can be 5mm to 35mm
  • The total margin width cannot exceed 40mm


Decreasing the margin size will increase the printable area and so column widths will increase in size proportionately. Increasing the margin size will reduce table column widths proportionately.



Section header case

The case of the headers can be set to:

  • Default - no changes made
  • Lowercase - all text is converted to lowercase
  • Sentence case - first character of the first word is converted to uppercase, all other characters are converted to lower case
  • Proper case - first character of each word is converted to uppercase, all other characters  are converted to lower case
  • Uppercase - all text is converted to uppercase
  • Capitalise first character - first character of the first word is converted to uppercase, no changes made to all other characters