Video help



In this video:

  • Creating divisions
  • Importing Trial Balances
  • Adjustments
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Audit Trails


Jump to a specific point in the video with the chapters button in the video.




Edit entity features


Image shows the Edit entity screen in the software. The on-screen options have been labelled with numbers which correspond to the numbers in the table below.



  Option Function Notes


Import a list of divisions from Excel



Export a list of divisions to Excel

  • See Divisions export below
  • This option is only available when there are consolidation divisions other than the default Consolidation entries division

Entity name

Click to edit

  • Enter the full legal entity name
  • TAB or click out of the field to save the changes
  • Duplicate entity names are permitted. We recommend adding a Tag to distinguish them
  • The case printed in section headers can be changed via Styles


Set a tag for the entity, such as a reference or company number

  • A tag is optional

Import / Delete logo

Imports or deletes a logo for reports

  • Valid file types: PNG or JPG
  • Maximum file size: 100 KB
  • Maximum image size: 115 x 45 pixels. (Images larger than 115 x 45 pixels will be scaled in the report header, with aspect ratio locked)
  • Note: The logo must be turned on in each report using Insert logo in report header in Styles

New Parent / Single division

Add a new parent / single division


New consolidation division

Add a new consolidation division


Division name

Displays the division name

  • Click and drag to change the order

Division alias

Displays the division alias

  • The alias is used to identify each division in inputs and outputs
  • The alias should be between 2 and 4 characters
  • Click and drag to change the order


Tick to include the division in a subconsolidation

  • Select the divisions to include in the subconsolidation, by clicking the Subconsolidation box for that division. See the FAQ for more information

Delete division

Delete a division

  • If a division has Adjustments and/or a Trial Balance, the delete icon will be disabled
  • To delete a division, all Adjustments and Trial Balances should be deleted for that division

Edit division

Edits a division

  • Edit the division name, alias and subconsolidation




Divisions are used by all reports within an entity and any changes made to divisions will affect all reports, even if a report is locked.


In nearly all cases, a division represents a unique Trial Balance.


Note: This is not where Trial Balances are imported. To import a Trial Balance:



Add new Divisions

Parent / Single divisions

Where multiple Trial Balances form a single entity, a division for each Trial Balance should be created within Parent / Single divisions.


To add Parent / Single divisions:

  • Click Entities > Edit
  • Click New within Parent / Single divisions 
  • Add a Division name
  • Add a Division alias
  • If required, set where the division should be inserted
  • Click OK


Consolidation divisions

To add Consolidation divisions:

  • Click Entities > Edit
  • Click New within Consolidation divisions
  • Add a Division name
  • Add a Division alias
  • If required, set where the division should be inserted
  • Click OK



Sort divisions

  • Divisions can be sorted in any order by dragging and dropping to a new position, including dragging between the Parent / Single and Consolidation groups
  • The divisions order will also appear elsewhere, such as Adjustments and Audit Trail outputs



Divisions import

To import multiple Divisions from an Excel file:

  • Click Entities > Edit
  • Click Import
  • Select the file to import
  • Click OK

    Divisions are always imported to the Consolidation divisions group but can be moved to the Parent / Single divisions group by dragging them to the Parent / Single divisions group.

    The required format of the import file is:



Column A Column B


Division name

Division alias





150 characters maximum length

2, 3 or 4 characters



The following image shows a valid sample file:


Image shows a screenshot of a valid Excel import file. In Column A are the divisions and Column B lists the aliases.


Import issues
  • The only valid file type that can be uploaded is an Excel file
  • Ensure the Division name is in column A, starting in cell A1
  • Ensure the Division alias is in column B, starting in cell B1
  • The filename is greater than 100 characters in length. Change the filename so it is less than 100 characters in length
  • The Excel file is password protected
  • The Excel file contains links to an external data source. Open the Excel file, click the Data tab and click Edit links to check for or remove links. Alternatively, copy and paste the divisions data into a new Excel file

Divisions export

To export multiple Divisions to an Excel file:

  • Click Entities > Edit
  • Click Export

Creating reports

To create a new report:

  • Click Reports > List
  • Click New report 
  • Enter a report version
  • Click OK

The following frequently asked questions may help with creating new reports: