Results for announcement to the market

Revenue and percentage are automatically calculated and there are several methods to choose from:



Method Calculation

Standard revenue only

  • Total revenue (from the revenue note and discontinued operations, where applicable)

Exclude share of profit and other income

  • Revenue in gross profit (RVLAA to RVLEZ, RVFAA to RVFAJ, RVLKA to RVLOZ and RVFYA to RVFYJ)
  • Revenue codes on the face of the statement (RVRXA to RVRXJ and RVRIR); plus all revenue notes (excluding share of profit and other income notes, but including discontinued operations revenue, where applicable) *

Exclude interest, share of profit and other income

  • Revenue in gross profit (RVLAA to RVLEZ, RVFAA to RVFAJ, RVLKA to RVLOZ and RVFYA to RVFYJ)
  • Revenue codes on the face of the statement (RVRXA to RVRXJ); plus all revenue notes (excluding share of profit and other income notes, but including discontinued operations revenue, where applicable) *

All revenue

  • Revenue in gross profit (RVLAA to RVLEZ, RVFAA to RVFAJ, RVLKA to RVLOZ and RVFYA to RVFYJ)
  • Revenue codes on the face of the statement (RVRXA to RVRXJ, RVRIR, RVRGD, RVRGR and RVRGT)
  • Plus all revenue and income notes (including share of profit and discontinued operations, where applicable) *


  • Hides the 'Revenues from ordinary activities'


* Revenue calculations always exclude costs in net revenue on the face of the statement RVLFA to RVLJZ, RVFBA to RVFBJ, RVLPA to RVLTZ and RVFZA to RVFZJ


To change the calculation method:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Select the required calculation from within Listed public company - Appendix 4 revenue



  • The Appendix 4 results can be set to show 'Current only' or 'Current and prior' via Setup
  • EBITDA and EBIT rows are not mandatory, are editable and are manually entered
  • Profits are linked from the Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. This can be changed via Appendix 4 profit in Setup. The percentages are automatically calculated
  • The Appendix 4 earnings per share is linked from the Earnings per share note, which can be turned on by selecting Yes in Setup
  • Dividends are linked from the Appendix 4 Dividends note


At the end of the comments, it is common to have a closing sentence referring a supporting ASX company announcement regarding the results, for example:

Refer to the company announcement on 24 February 2024 regarding the results for further information.



Change number of decimal places

To change the number of decimal places for percentage changes:

  • Click Reports > Options > Rounding
  • Set Appendix 4 - Results to between 0 and 5 decimal places
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table


To change the number of decimal places for dividends:

  • Click Reports > Options > Rounding
  • Set Appendix 4 - Dividends to between 0 and 5 decimal places
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table



Scale numerical values

To scale values if they do not fit within the column width:

  • Click the settings icon to the right of the table (Scale specific numerical values); or
  • Edit the table column widths



Percentage changes 

A sign change between the current period and the prior period will result when the current period is a profit and the prior period was a loss. For example:


Image shows a populated 'Results for announcement to the market' table.


The current period is a profit and the prior period was a loss. The resulting percentage change is (292%). As the loss of 14,480 is a negative number, the percentage change of (292%) indicates that the loss decreased in the current period.