This section is mandatory for a Listed Annual basis of preparation.


To turn this section on:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Set Sections - Corporate directory to Yes




  • Only list directors who are in office at the signing date (i.e. omit any director who has resigned between the beginning of the financial period and the signing date)
  • This should agree with the directors listed at the start of the Directors' report



Company secretary (or if more than one (plural) Company secretaries)

  • This should list the current company secretary/secretaries (i.e. excluding those who have resigned) and, for listed and unlisted public companies, should agree with the 'Company secretary' in the Directors' report



Notice of annual general meeting ('Listed Public Company - Annual' only)

  • The 'Notice of annual general meeting' does not have to be in the Annual Report and can be advised to shareholders through a separate notice.
  • A public company must report to members under section 314 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Australia) by the earlier of: (a) 21 days before the next annual general meeting after the end of the financial year; or (b) 4 months after the end of the financial year



Registered office

These details should agree with the address in General information.


To link the address from General information:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Set Links - Link addresses in the corporate directory from general information to On



Principal place of business

These details should agree with the address in General information.


To link the address from General information:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Set Links - Link addresses in the corporate directory from general information to On



Share register ('Listed Public Company - Annual' and 'Listed Public Company - Interim' only)

These details are manually input. They do not link to anywhere else.




Except for the name, these details are manually input. They do not link to anywhere else and are not mandatory.




These details are manually input. They do not link to anywhere else and are not mandatory.




These details are manually input. They do not link to anywhere else and are not mandatory.



Stock exchange listing

To set stock exchange listing details:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Type details in Listed public company - ASX code
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table


Unless there are other stock exchanges on which the company's securities are quoted (ASX Listing Rule 4.10.13), disclosure of stock exchange listing is not mandatory, but its inclusion should be considered.




These details are manually input. They do not link to anywhere else and are not mandatory.



Business objectives

  • An entity admitted to the ASX under Listing Rule 1.3.2(b), or required to comply with Listing Rule 1.3.2(b) because of the application of Listing Rule 11.1.3, under Listing Rule 4.10.19 disclosure is required in its first two annual reports after admission to state whether the entity used the cash and assets in a form readily convertible to cash that it had at the time of admission in a way consistent with its business objectives
  • If the use was not consistent with the business objectives, an explanation of how they were used is required



Corporate Governance Statement

These details are manually input. They do not link to anywhere else and are not mandatory.