To turn on Options disclosures:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Set Inclusions - Options to On



5 most highly remunerated officers of the company

All but one reference to the '5 most highly remunerated officers of the company' was removed in the Corporations Act 2001 (Australia). We believe that this was an oversight that will be removed in due course, but in order to comply with CA300(1)(d)(ii), for any shares under option that were issued to one of the '5 most highly remunerated officers of the company' who is not key management personnel, an asterisk (*) should appear next to the relevant grant date and a footer should appear at the bottom of the table, for example:


* Included in these options were 5,000 options granted as remuneration to Sam Example, one of the five most highly remunerated officers of the company but not part of key management personnel and hence not disclosed in the remuneration report.



Change number of decimal places

To change the number of decimal places for issue price:

  • Click Reports > Options > Rounding
  • Set Shares, options and rights - Price to between 0 and 5 decimal places
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table



Scale numerical values

To scale values if they do not fit within the column width:

  • Click the settings icon to the right of the table (Scale specific numerical values); or
  • Edit the table column widths