
Contents will list an entry for all sections that are after the position of the contents page.



Change contents page styles

To change the default styles of the contents page or notes contents page:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click the edit icon in the Contents or Notes to the financial statements row (if Yes - with contents page) has been selected
  • Set Tab leader to None or select a style
  • Set Spacing to Single, 1.5 lines or Double
  • Set Include notes in contents page to Yes or No
  • Set Contents case to Default, Lowercase, Sentence case, Proper caseUppercase or Capitalise first character


Note: If Insert page numbers in Styles is set to No, then Tab leader for both the contents and notes contents pages will be hidden.



Sort the position of the contents page

To change the position of the contents page:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Drag and drop the section to the new position


To turn off the contents page:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Set Sections - Contents to No



Page numbers

To turn page numbers in the footer on or off:

  • Click Reports > Options > Styles
  • Set Page settings - Insert page numbers to Yes or No



Errors on the contents page

The most common cause of an error on the contents page is due to table of contents markers within a custom section Word document. Custom sections cannot contain table of contents markers.


To check this:

  • Open the custom section within Word
  • Turn on the 'Show paragraph marks'  option
  • Search for markers such as {TC...} or {TOC...} and delete the markers
  • Replace the existing custom section as per the instructions in Report sections



Where General information will appear

To print the general information on the contents page:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Set Placement - General information on the contents page to On


To show the general information in a note which will appear in the list of notes:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Set Placement - General information on the contents page to Off



Registered office and Principal place of business

If the 'Registered office' and 'Principal place of business' are the same address, delete the 'Principal place of business' from the second column and the wording will change and the headers will hide as shown below:


Image shows screenshot of registered office and principal place of business 2 column table. The first column is populated, the second column is blank.



Power to amend and reissue the financial report

To set power to reissue:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Set Primary disclosures - Power to reissue to Yes, No or Do not list in general information


If Yes is selected, the sentence will be:

The directors have the power to amend and reissue the financial report.


If No is selected, the sentence will be:

The directors do not have the power to amend and reissue the financial report.


If Do not list in general information is selected, no sentence will appear.



Date the financial report was authorised for issue

To change the date format for signatures:

  • Click Reports > Options > Signatories
  • Set Signing - Signing format to date, month or year (see below)


The date can be set-up as:

  • 'Date' ('day month year' for example '24 February 2024')
  • 'Month Year' ('month year' for example '_____ February 2024')
  • 'Year' ('year' for example '____________________ 2024')