
Examples of events after the reporting period are as follows:

  • Discontinued operations plans announced
  • Business combinations settled
  • Purchase or sale of core assets
  • An event (fire, flood, pandemic, etc) that has impacted operations
  • Major litigation
  • Major restructuring announced or commenced
  • Change in financing arrangements
  • Breach of financing covenants
  • Major issue of shares
  • Change of entity name
  • Change of immediate parent entity
  • Change of ultimate parent entity



Linked paragraphs



Technical notes

One of the following paragraphs will print based on the following conditions:

  • 'No matter or circumstance has arisen since...' will print when there are no paragraphs or tables on within the 'Events after the reporting period' note AND there is no post-period dividend declared in the 'Equity - dividends' note
  • 'Apart from the dividend declared as disclosed in note...' will print when there is a post-period dividend declared in the 'Equity - dividends' note
  • 'No other matter or circumstance has arisen since...' will print when there are paragraphs or tables on within the 'Events after the reporting period' note AND there is no post-period dividend declared in the 'Equity - dividends' note



Business combinations

To disclose business combinations that occurred after the reporting period:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Switch Inclusions - Business combination since period end to On
  • 6 groups of business combination tables and editable paragraphs will show



Alternative wording

  • The wording within this note is dependent on which paragraph is used in the Dividends note
  • The system paragraph wording is not editable
  • To deviate from the system wording, switch the system paragraph to Off and insert a paragraph