Technical notes

The financial instruments note will be required to be significantly modified to reflect the disclosures of each entity, as IFRS 7 is both qualitative and quantitative.


The financial instruments note is comprehensive and contains many sections and tables, which are required under the various circumstances.


The sections include financial risk management objectives, market risk (e.g. foreign currency risk, price risk, interest rate risk), credit risk, liquidity risk (e.g. financing arrangements, remaining contractual maturities), fair value of financial instruments (e.g. movements in level 3 financial instruments) and spare financial instruments sections.


The default bandings, such as '1 year or less', are indicative only and can be edited as most appropriate to the entity.


Allowance for expected credit losses can be included in either Current assets - trade and other receivables or Financial instruments notes.


If the carrying amounts of financial instruments significantly differs from their respective fair values, then disclosure of 'carrying amount' versus 'fair value' is required.



Change number of decimal places

To change the number of decimal places for exchange rates:

  • Click Reports > Options > Rounding
  • Set Financial instruments - foreign exchange contracts to between 0 and 5 decimal places
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table


To change the number of decimal places for foreign exchange sensitivity:

  • Click Reports > Options > Rounding
  • Set Financial instruments - foreign exchange sensitivity to between 0 and 5 decimal places
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table


To change the number of decimal places for price risk sensitivity:

  • Click Reports > Options > Rounding
  • Set Financial instruments - price risk sensitivity to between 0 and 5 decimal places
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table


To change the number of decimal places for weighted average interest rate:

  • Click Reports > Options > Rounding
  • Set Financial instruments - weighted average interest rate to between 0 and 5 decimal places
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table


To change the number of decimal places for expected credit loss rate:

  • Click Reports > Options > Rounding
  • Set Statement of financial position - Receivables expected credit loss rate to between 0 and 5 decimal places
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table



Alternative wording

Market risk

Foreign currency risk

The consolidated entity is not exposed to any significant foreign currency risk.


Credit risk

The consolidated entity does not have any material credit risk exposure to any single receivable or group of receivables under financial instruments entered into by the consolidated entity.


There are no significant concentration of credit risks, whether through exposure to individual customers, specific industry sectors or regions.