Video help

Sorting dataSorting data


In this video:

  • Sorting report sections
  • Sorting Directors' report
  • Sorting Balance sheet
  • Sorting notes
  • Sorting table rows


Jump to a specific point in the video with the chapters button in the video.




Notes list features


Image shows the Notes screen in the software. The on-screen options have been labelled with numbers which correspond to the numbers in the table below.



  Option Function Notes

Show all or used

Shows all or only used notes

  • All: shows all notes
  • Used: shows notes which are on and will print


Select different sections of the notes

  • Select All notes to see all the notes in one group

New note

Adds a new note

  • A note is created with one paragraph
  • Insert new content in the note using the right click menu
  • Open the new note and click the Delete note button to delete it


General settings for all notes



Sort the notes


Send to PDF

Download all notes to PDF file


Send to Word

Download all notes to Word file


Turn note on and off

Turn notes on and off


Edit note

Opens the note for editing

  • Same functionality as #11


Searches all notes

  • The search bar is only shown when the All notes is selected on the left hand side

Edit note

Opens the note for editing

  • Same functionality as #9


General settings for the note




Sorting notes

To sort the order of the notes:

  • Click Sections > Notes
  • Click the Sort button
  • Click on the note name and drag and drop it to a new position



There can be a different order in the statement of financial position and the notes.

  • Sections > Financial position > Sort: will sort items within the face of the statement of financial position, restatement of comparatives note and deed of cross guarantee note
  • Sections > Notes > Sort: will sort the notes to the financial statements



As an example in the image below:

  • Cash and cash equivalents is not the first subclass
  • The order of the notes is not sequential:


Image shows an excerpt of an example Statement of financial position. There are current assets listed with note references.



Include notes in contents page

To include the notes to the financial statements in the contents page of the report:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click the edit icon next to the Contents section
  • Set Include notes in contents page to Yes


Note: If a page break has been inserted at the beginning of the note, when the report is output, the note will start on a new page and the software will insert the wording 'continued' in the page header. As a result, for the Include notes in contents page option, if Yes is selected, the note name will be excluded from the contents page. To avoid this issue, the page break should be inserted at the end of the previous note.



Add a notes contents page

To add a separate contents page for notes to the financial statements:

  • Click Sections > Notes
  • Click the Settings button 
  • Click Yes - With contents page for the Print notes option
  • This can also be turned on or off in Report sections by selecting Yes - With contents page in print section for Notes to the financial statements


Note: If a page break has been inserted at the beginning of the note, when the report is output, the note will start on a new page and the software will insert the wording 'continued' in the page header. As a result, for the Print notes option, if Yes - With contents page is selected, the note name will be excluded from the notes contents page. To avoid this issue, the page break should be inserted at the end of the previous note.



Change contents page styles

To change the default styles of the contents page or notes contents page:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click the edit icon in the Contents or Notes to the financial statements row (if Yes - with contents page) has been selected
  • Set Tab leader to None or select a style
  • Set Spacing to Single, 1.5 lines or Double
  • Set Include notes in contents page to Yes or No
  • Set Contents case to Default, Lowercase, Sentence case, Proper caseUppercase or Capitalise first character


Note: If Insert page numbers in Styles is set to No, then Tab leader for both the contents and notes contents pages will be hidden.



Errors on the contents page

The most common cause of an error on the contents page is due to table of contents markers within a custom section Word document. Custom sections cannot contain table of contents markers.


To check this:

  • Open the custom section within Word
  • Turn on the 'Show paragraph marks'  option
  • Search for markers such as {TC...} or {TOC...} and delete the markers
  • Replace the existing custom section as per the instructions in Report sections



Change the note name format

To change the note name format:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Set Note name format - Include 'Note' before note number or Note name format - Include subclass in the financial position notes to Yes or No



  • Click Sections > Notes
  • Click the Settings button
  • Set Include 'Note' before note number or Include subclass in the financial position notes to Yes or No


These control the note name format as follows:


Include 'Note' before note number Include subclass in the financial position notes Example



Note 9. Current assets - cash and cash equivalents



Note 9. Cash and cash equivalents



9. Current assets - cash and cash equivalents



9. Cash and cash equivalents



Combining current and non-current notes

To combine current and non-current notes:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Select Combine notes by class:
    • Yes - Without total or;
    • Yes - With total

Click here to see which notes will combine. There is no option to 'pick and choose' pairings.



Combining other notes

In Setup, turn on the following options to combine notes:

  • Include accounting policies in relevant note
  • Include income tax in one note
  • Include derivatives in one note
  • Include retirement benefit in one note
  • Include provision movements in one note
  • Include cash flow information in one note
  • Include subsidiaries in the financial position note
  • Include associates in the financial position note
  • Include joint ventures in the financial position note


Space between notes

To edit the number of blank lines between each note:

  • Click Sections > Notes
  • Click the Settings button
  • Select 1, 2 or 3 blank lines for Space between notes