Video help

Sorting dataSorting data


In this video:

  • Sorting report sections
  • Sorting Directors' report
  • Sorting Balance sheet
  • Sorting notes
  • Sorting table rows


Jump to a specific point in the video with the chapters button in the video.



Change contents page styles

To change the default styles of the contents page or notes contents page:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click the edit icon in the Contents or Notes to the financial statements row (if Yes - with contents page has been selected)
  • Set Tab leader to None or select a style
  • Set Spacing to Single, 1.5 lines or Double
  • Set Include notes in contents page to Yes or No
  • Set Contents case to Default, Lowercase, Sentence case, Proper caseUppercase or Capitalise first character

Note: If Insert page numbers in Styles is set to No, then Tab leader for both the contents and notes contents pages will be hidden.

Rename a section

To rename a section:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click the edit icon for the section to be renamed
  • Type or select a new name
  • Click Close

The Customised option allows the statement name to be customised. When this option is selected, the desired statement name can be entered.

Sort sections

  • Any section can be sorted, in any order, by dragging and dropping a section name to a new position
  • If sorting is disabled, the user right for report sections is required
  • Only Administrators or Managers can assign the required user right in Manage users

Page numbers

  • If page numbers are turned on, they will show in every page footer after the Cover
  • If the default Cover is turned off and a cover is imported as a custom section, the same rule applies
  • Ensure the system Cover is sorted after the custom section Cover, otherwise a page number will print on the custom section Cover page

Import a Word document - Custom sections

To import a Word document as a custom section:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click Import
  • Type a Section name
  • Set the position for the section
  • Set the header
  • Select the required file
  • Click OK


  • PDF files cannot be imported
  • The maximum file size of a custom section is 5 MB
  • If the custom section contains images and exceeds this file size, consider using a compressed image format such as JPG
  • The Word document section will be compiled as part of the report output
  • If the Import button is disabled, the user right for report sections is required
  • Only Administrators or Managers can assign the required user right in Manage users

Possible issues with uploading custom sections:

  • The only valid file type that can be uploaded is a Word document
  • The file exceeds 5 MB in size (See note above)
  • The filename is greater than 100 characters in length. Change the filename so it is less than 100 characters in length
  • The Word document contains table of contents markers which will impact the contents page within the report. See Contents and General information for further detail on TOC markers
  • The Word document is password protected
  • The filename being uploaded is already in use for another custom section

Changes made to imported files

All custom section Word documents will be changed as follows (pagination may differ if settings are not consistent):

1) Margins:    

  • Top - 15mm
  • Bottom - 10mm
  • Left - Set in Styles
  • Right - Set in Styles

2) Any 'section breaks' will be replaced with 'page breaks'

3) Any 'TOC' or 'TC' markers will be deleted

Custom section headers

A custom section can have one of the following headers applied. The header is applied per custom section, meaning there can be a mixture of settings for multiple custom sections:

  • Use document header - The header in the uploaded Word document will be used
  • Replace with report header - The report header will be added to the Word document

Delete a custom section

To delete a custom section:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click the delete icon shown against the section to delete

Replace a custom section and custom section headers

To replace a custom section:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click the edit icon for the section to be replaced
  • Select the document to replace the existing custom section
  • Click OK

To change a custom section header:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click the edit icon for the section header to be changed
  • Select the header
  • Click OK
  • If the custom section header only is being changed, a new copy of the document does not need to be uploaded

Download a custom section

To download an imported custom section as a Word document:

  • Click Outputs
  • Click User imported - Custom section

Create a New section

New sections can be created in the report. When a new section is created, it will appear under Sections as its own separate tab alongside the other sections of the report. Users have the ability to create notes within the new section. 

To create a new section:

  • Click Reports > Options > Report sections
  • Click New
  • Enter a section name. This name will appear as a separate tab under Sections
  • Click OK
  • If required, drag and drop the new section to the correct sort order

Sections available

If a section is available for the selected country and basis of preparation, it can be turned on or off by setting Print section to 'Yes' or 'No'.

Section name Print section Notes

Appendix 4






Corporate directory



Strategic report



Directors' report



Directors' remuneration report



Directors' responsibilities statement



Auditor's independence declaration



  • This section is a placeholder and it can be turned off
  • A custom section can be inserted for the actual declaration, including for the purposes of an alternative section name




Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

'Yes - Together'

'Yes - Separate'

'Yes - With retained earnings'


Statement of financial position

'Yes - Current / Non-current'

'Yes - Non-current / Current'

'Yes - Liquidity'

'Yes - Format 1 - IFRS terminology'

'Yes - Format 1 - GAAP terminology'


Statement of changes in equity

'Yes - By Class'

'Yes - By Total'


Statement of cash flows

'Yes - Direct Method - Manual'

'Yes - Direct Method - Linked'

'Yes - Indirect Method - Manual'

'Yes - Indirect Method - Linked'


Notes to the financial statements


'Yes - With contents page'


Directors' declaration



Independent auditor's report



  • This section is a placeholder and it can be turned off
  • A custom section can be inserted for the actual auditor's report, including for the purposes of an alternative section name
  • Number of pages can be changed between 1 and 10 in Signatories
  • Audit / Review / Compilation can be changed in Setup
  • The addressee can be changed in Signatories, for example change 'members' to 'unitholders'

Shareholder information

