When an Annual Report has the consolidated column only, supplementary parent information is required to be disclosed in accordance with CR 2M.3.01.


To adjust the populated values:



Population of parent numbers when only a consolidated Trial Balance has been previously imported

When only a consolidated Trial Balance has been previously imported, the following options can be used to populate the parent numbers:

  • Import the parent Trial Balance or post Adjustments for the parent and in Setup turn on Exclude parent from consolidation, which will make the parent Trial Balance and Adjustments 'mutually exclusive' from the consolidated numbers (the recommended approach)
  • Enter the parent numbers via the parent rounding columns in the Chart of Accounts (this is not recommended as it is a manual approach)

To move a Trial Balance (For example, a Trial Balance has been imported into a parent division and it needs moving to a consolidated division):

  • Click Inputs > Trial Balance 
  • Click Move
  • Select the division to move the Trial Balance from and to
  • Click OK



Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

To over disclose and print the other comprehensive income row:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Set Other disclosures - Over disclosure - parent to Yes - All
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table



Statement of financial position

Regardless of the basis selected for the primary statement of financial position (such as the 'liquidity basis'), CR 2M.3.01 only allows for the 'Current / Non-current basis'.


To view and set over disclose options:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Set Other disclosures - Over disclosure - parent to No, Yes - Net assets or Yes - All
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table

No is the default (and the recommended option) and prints the disclosures in accordance with CR 2M.3.01 as follows:


Image shows the Parent entity table with the Over disclosure-parent option set to No.



Yes - Net assets is one of two over disclose options and prints the disclosures in accordance with CR 2M.3.01 as well as Net assets as follows:


Image shows the Parent entity table with the Over disclosure-parent option set to Yes - net assets.



Yes - All is one of two over disclose options and prints the disclosures in accordance with CR 2M.3.01 as well as Total non-current assets, Total non-current liabilities and Net assets as follows:


Image shows the Parent entity table with the Over disclosure-parent option set to Yes - All.



For reserves in the equity section of the statement of financial position, under disclosure by aggregating reserves is permitted as an option, but not recommended.


To under disclose by aggregating reserves:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Set Other disclosures - Aggregate reserves - parent to Yes

No is the default (and the recommended option) and prints each reserve separately in accordance with CR2M.3.01(1)(e).



Guarantees entered into by the parent entity in relation to the debts of its subsidiaries

Additional wording (modify where applicable):


The parent entity and some of its subsidiaries are party to a deed of cross guarantee under which each company guarantees the debts of the others. No deficiencies of assets exist in any of these subsidiaries as at 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022.



Capital commitments - Property, plant and equipment

  • Commitments other than 'Capital commitments - Property, plant and equipment' are not required by CR 2M.3.01 and as such the various additional tables are not provided (but spare rows are provided)
  • Other commitments include 'Capital commitments - Investment properties', 'Capital commitments - Intangible assets', 'Lease commitments - operating', 'Lease commitments - finance' and 'Remuneration commitments'. However, their inclusion is permitted, but not recommended


If other commitments are added, change the header from 'Capital commitments - Property, plant and equipment' to 'Commitments'.




The following warnings may be shown on the parent entity information note:

  • If any period does not balance, a balance check warning will be displayed, one warning for each period that does not balance. Click the warning to see the detail
  • If any period contains an allocation of 'UNSET - Unallocated account', an UNSET warning will be displayed. Clicking on the warning will jump to a filtered Trial Balance to show UNSET allocations for the period clicked