Video help

Chart of AccountsChart of Accounts


In this video:

  • Chart of accounts - allocations
  • Chart of accounts - renaming
  • Rounding
  • Outputs - Internal Review Report


Jump to a specific point in the video with the chapters button in the video.





Chart of Accounts features


Image shows the Chart of Accounts screen in the software. The on-screen options have been labelled with numbers which correspond to the numbers in the table below.



  Option Function Notes

Totals filter

Show or hide all Total columns


Rounding filter

Show or hide all Rounding (Round) columns


Unused filter

Show all allocations or hide all unused allocations


Subconsol filter

Show or hide the Subconsol columns

  • Subconsolidation filter and columns only appear if at least one Division is ticked as Subconsolidation in Edit entity


Import customised descriptions from Excel or a different report


Clear rounding

Deletes all rounding

  • Deletes rounding from all 'Round' rows and columns


Export to Excel

  • Exports to Excel including any filters


Chart of Accounts code

  • A full list of codes is available here


Chart of Accounts description

  • Click to edit the description
  • Edited descriptions will be shown in red text
  • Import descriptions with #5 or import from another report
  • Descriptions can also be edited directly in the table they appear in


Round any account, in any of the rounding (Round) columns


Subconsol Current

Current subconsolidation total

  • Use these columns to post any subconsolidation adjustments (such as eliminations)
  • The subconsolidation balances are rounded numbers, so the number entered will be multiplied by the report rounding (e.g. thousands, multiplied by 1000) and populate in the 'ADJ' column of the current and prior period 'Audit Trail - Subconsolidation (Excel)' in Outputs. E.g. To make an adjustment of 571,000 enter 571

Subconsol Prior

Prior subconsolidation total

  • See #11

Reset description

Resets the description(s)

  • Reset one description by clicking the reset icon for the row
  • Reset all descriptions by clicking the reset icon in the table header



Chart of Accounts import

To import customised Chart of Accounts descriptions from an Excel file:

  • Click Inputs > Chart of Accounts
  • Click Import
  • Select the file to import
  • Click OK
  • This will update the Chart of Accounts descriptions as follows:
    • Source file has a custom description, current report does not have a custom description, the description will be updated in the current report
    • Source file and current report have custom descriptions, the description will be updated in the current report
    • Source file does not have a custom description, current report does have a custom description, the description will not be updated


The required format of the import file is:


  Column A Column B








5 characters

150 characters

maximum length



The following image shows a valid sample file:


Image shows a valid Excel import file. Column A lists the Accurri allocation code. Column B lists the description of the account.



Import Chart of Accounts descriptions from a different report

To import customised Chart of Accounts descriptions from a different report:

  • Click Inputs > Chart of Accounts
  • Click Import
  • Select to import from A different report
  • Select the entity and report containing to import from
  • Click OK
  • This will update the Chart of Accounts descriptions as follows:
    • Source report has a custom description, current report does not have a custom description, the description will be updated in the current report
    • Source and current report have custom descriptions, the description will be updated in the current report
    • Source report does not have a custom description, current report does have a custom description, the description will not be updated




  • Click Inputs > Import report
  • Set Chart of Accounts edited descriptions to Yes
  • Click Import report and follow the prompts
  • This will update all Chart of Accounts descriptions



How totals are calculated for Interim Reports

For Interim Reports, as the comparative period covers two different periods (generally, statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income being 12 months ago and the statement of financial position being 6 months ago), the interim performance and the prior position balances are ignored.


When preparing an Interim Report, the 'Prior' totals are calculated as follows:

  • Statement of profit or loss: aggregate of 'Trial Balance' and 'Adjustments' from the prior columns
  • Statement of financial position: aggregate of 'Trial Balance' and 'Adjustments' from the annual columns

For Interim Reports, as an alternative to importing Trial Balances and entering adjustments into the 'Annual' columns, to populate the statement of financial position, comparative balances can be entered via Rounding in the 'Prior Round' columns in Inputs > Chart of Accounts.


For example:


Image shows the Chart of Accounts screen for an interim report. Rounding amounts has been entered in the 'Prior Round' columns.