Based on the selected 'Basis of preparation', the software may determine that this note is not required.


To turn the Remuneration of auditors note on:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Switch Inclusions -  Remuneration of auditors  to On




  • The first paragraph uses the Current audit firm name from Signatories
  • Alternatively, use the second paragraph for customised wording and the first automated paragraph will be automatically turned off



Change of auditor

Where there is a change of auditor:

  • Click Reports > Options > Signatories
  • Type the new auditor name in Auditor - Current audit firm name
  • Type the prior auditor name in Auditor - Prior audit firm name



Alternative wording

In the years ended 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022, fees for services rendered by the company's auditor in relation to the statutory audit were borne by a related entity.




To override the legislated rounding rules that dictate lower rounding denominations:

  • Click Reports > Options > Setup
  • Set Rounding - Remuneration of auditors to On
  • The rounding will be based on the selection in Rounding
  • It is also possible to click the settings icons to the right of the table



Remuneration of auditors table (Australia)

The following sections are available:

  • Audit services - [audit firm name]
  • Other services - [audit firm name]
  • Audit services - network firms
  • Other services - network firms
  • Audit services - unrelated firms
  • Other services - unrelated firms



Remuneration of auditors table (United Kingdom and Ireland)

The following sections are available:

  • Audit services
  • Other services