
  • Comments work in a similar way to comments in Microsoft Word. There is an initial comment and all subsequent comments are seen as replies to the initial comment
  • One comment group, containing unlimited comments, can be added per paragraph, table and image. For tables, comments are attached to the first cell in the table, it is not possible to add comments cell by cell
  • Any user type, including Reviewers, with access to the report can view or edit comments
  • Comments can be output as part of the Word and PDF report outputs
  • Comments can be set to print or not print in note and section downloads in Outputs
  • The comments module will show all comments in the report, even if the note containing the comment is turned off
  • Comments will not show in report sections that have been turned off

See Understanding the report screens for more information on adding comments to a report and this FAQ regarding multiple users and comments.

Comments features

Image shows the Comments screen in the software . The on-screen options have been labelled with numbers which correspond to the numbers in the table below.

Option Function Notes

Show all or unresolved

Shows all or only unresolved comments

  • All: shows all comments
  • Unresolved: shows only comments where the comment is not resolved


Deletes all comments in the report



Exports comments to Excel



Marks a comment as resolved or unresolved



Shows the source note, statement or section containing the comment


Comment preview

Shows a preview of the comment


Edit comment

View and/or edit the comment

  • Clicking the source text or the comment preview text also edits the comment

Open source

Opens the source note, statement or section containing the comment


Delete comment

Deletes the comment

New comment

To add a new comment:

  • Right click a paragraph, table or image
  • Select Comments

Alternatively, for a paragraph or table:

  • Click the paragraph or table to edit it
  • Click the Comments button

View comment

If a paragraph, table or image has a comment, an icon will be displayed to the left of the paragraph, table or image:

  • The icon will be orange when the comment is unresolved
  • The icon will be green when the comment is resolved
  • Hover the mouse over the icon to see a preview of the comment


To view all comments within a report:

  • Click Modules Comments

Edit comment

To edit a comment:

  • Click the comment icon or right click a paragraph, table or image and select Comments
  • Alternatively, click the Comments button on the toolbar when editing a paragraph or table
  • Click the New button to add a new comment in the group
  • Click the Delete all button to delete all comments in the group
  • Click Resolved to mark the comment as resolved or unresolved
  • Click the red delete icon to the right of an individual comment to delete it
  • Click the Save button to save any changes
  • Click the Cancel button to cancel any changes

Turn comments on or off

To turn comments on or off:

  • Click Outputs
  • Click the Settings button
  • Click Print comments to turn on or off as required (This setting only applies to sections and notes exported within the report. To download the entire report with comments download the 'Report (Comments)' in the required format in Outputs,  To download the entire report without comments download the 'Report' in the required format in Outputs.)