
Many of these options can be changed within the note by clicking the settings icon next to the paragraph or table.




Field Field / Selection Notes

Prior period start

Date field

  • See FAQ for more information on interim dates

Prior period end

Date field

  • See FAQ for more information on interim dates

Current period start

Date field

  • See FAQ for more information on interim dates

Current period end

Date field

  • See FAQ for more information on interim dates
  • The case printed in section headers can be changed via Styles

Latest annual report

Date field

  • See FAQ for more information on interim dates




Field Field / Selection Notes

Consolidated header

Text field


Parent header

Text field


Report title

Text field


Year or period end





Page header date prefix


'As at wording'

'Ended wording'

  • 'None' example - 31 December 2023
  • 'As at' example - As at 31 December 2023
  • 'Ended' example - For the year ended 31 December 2023



'Yes - '000'

'Yes - 0.1m'

'Yes - m'

  • Note: It is recommended Chart of Accounts rounding adjustments are cleared when report rounding is changed.

Prior period column header - as at

Text field

  • Statement of financial position table header (See FAQ)

Prior period column header - ended

Text field

  • Income statement table header (See FAQ)

Current period column header - as at

Text field

  • Statement of financial position table header (See FAQ)

Current period column header - ended

Text field

  • Income statement table header (See FAQ)

Restated column header - beginning

Text field


Restated column header - reported

Text field


Restated column header - adjustment

Text field


Restated column header - restated

Text field


Comparison column header - budget

Text field


Comparison column header - actual

Text field


Comparison column header - variance

Text field





Field Field / Selection Notes


Text field



Text field



Text field



Text field





Field Field / Selection Notes


Text field

  • E.g. Draft 1

Insert version in report



  • 'Yes' prints the version on the cover and page footers.

Entity type

Text field



Text field


Present country as

Text field


Present entity reference as

Text field


Present parent reference as

Text field

  • When Show consolidation is Off the name of this option is Present single entity reference as

Present key management person as

Text field


Present owners as

Text field


Present equity unit as

Text field


Present equity holder as

Text field


Present equity distribution as

Text field


Present non-controlling interest as

Text field


Future period statutory tax

Numeric field


Current period statutory tax

Numeric field


Prior period statutory tax

Numeric field




Parent entities

Field Field / Selection Notes

Immediate parent - name

Text field


Immediate parent - incorporated in

Text field


Ultimate parent - name

Text field


Ultimate parent - incorporated in

Text field




Responsible entity

Field Field / Selection Notes

Present responsible entity as

Text field


Responsible entity - name

Text field