Creating new reports

Users need rights, set by an Administrator or Manager in Manage users to be able to create new reports.

To create a new report:

  • Click the New report button
  • Enter a report version

Tip: Report version is not required, unless not entering one would create a duplicate report name. Report versions can be edited in Settings.

The following frequently asked questions may help with creating new reports:

Open report

To open a report:

  • Click Entities > List
  • Click the entity name that contains the report
  • Click a report name or the Edit report icon to open it

Download report

To download a report:

  • Click Entities > List
  • Click the entity name that contains the report
  • Click the Download report icon

To download a report with comments:

  • Click Entities > List
  • Click the entity name that contains the report
  • Click the Download report icon
  • Click Include comments

Duplicate report

To duplicate a report:

  • Click Entities > List
  • Click the entity name that contains the report
  • Click the Duplicate report icon
  • Enter an optional report version. This option can be used to a create 'milestone', or backup, duplicate of a report.

Users need rights, set by an Administrator or Manager in Manage users to be able to duplicate reports.

To duplicate a report, or part of a report, between different entities see Import report.

Roll forward report

Reports are generally rolled from 'Annual to Annual', 'Interim to 'Interim' or 'Monthly to Monthly', but typically not 'Annual to Interim' or 'Interim to Annual'.

There is information in Frequently asked questions for when the first Annual or Interim Report are yet to be created.

To roll forward a report:

  • Click Entities > List
  • Click the entity name that contains the report to be rolled forward
  • Click the Roll forward report icon for the required report
  • Enter an optional report version
  • Select if Custom sections should be copied to the rolled report
  • Click OK

Roll forward will create a copy of the current report. The numerical values and associated descriptions will roll from 'current' to 'prior' (thus setting up the comparatives), including:

  • Trial Balance
  • Adjustments (See note below for Interim Reports)
  • Chart of Accounts rounding adjustments
  • Manual numbers in the report

Users need rights, set by an Administrator or Manager in Manage users to be able to roll forward reports. 

Roll forward an Interim Report

  • When rolling forward an Interim Report, there is an additional selection, being the previous Annual Report
  • This will roll the 'Current' column of the Trial Balance from the selected annual report into the rolled report's 'Annual' column of the Trial Balance

As per the messages shown on-screen, adjustments for the 'Annual' column are not rolled forward, they will be cleared to zero for manual updating. This is due to there being no link between the adjustments between different reports.

Lock report

Reports should be locked to prevent inadvertent changes to an already finalised/signed report. When a report is locked it signals that the report has been finalised and therefore cannot be edited. The report can still be opened and all the outputs can be produced.

To lock a report:

  • Click Entities > List
  • Click the entity name that contains the report
  • Click the padlock icon for the report to be locked

Users need rights, set by an Administrator or Manager in Manage users to be able to lock reports.

  • Note that if a division is deleted within an entity, it will delete all associated data for that division, even in locked reports, as a division is at a higher level than a report
  • Similarly, if an entity were renamed, the entity name in the locked report would be changed, as these are also at a higher level than a report

Unlock report

To unlock a report:

  • Click Entities > List
  • Click the entity name that contains the report
  • Click the padlock icon for the report to be unlocked

Users need rights, set by an Administrator or Manager in Manage users to be able to unlock reports.

Delete report

To delete a report:

  • Click Entities > List
  • Click the entity name that contains the report
  • Click the delete icon for the report to be deleted
  • This will delete the report and all data within the report including Trial Balances, Adjustments and report documents

Users need rights, set by an Administrator or Manager in Manage users to be able to delete reports

Deleted reports will be permanently deleted after four weeks and cannot be undeleted after this point.

Locked reports cannot be deleted

Undelete report

To undelete a report:

  • Click Reports > List
  • Set the filter Show: Deleted
  • Click the restore report icon for the report to be undeleted

Users need rights, set by an Administrator or Manager in Manage users to be able to delete reports

Deleted reports will be permanently deleted after four weeks and cannot be undeleted after this point.

Copy content

This will copy the content from a report in a different entity. For example, an entity named 'Template' could be created along with template reports. These can be used as a starting point for new reports, so it contains the settings and content required.

To copy content from another report:

  • Click Entities > List
  • Click the entity name to create the report in 
  • Click Copy content
  • Type the report version
  • Select the entity and report to copy from
  • Click OK
  • Copy content will create a duplicate of the selected source report, excluding: Trial Balances, Adjustments, Chart of Accounts rounding and no content from the Modules (Except XBRL tag which are copied). If this data is required, it can be imported using Import report

Note that Copy content cannot be used to copy content from a report in the same entity. Duplicate report should be used for this.

Report wizard

The report wizard will help to create a new report step by step:

  • Click Entities > List
  • Click the entity name to create the report in 
  • Click Report wizard
  • Follow the on-screen prompts

Compare reports

To download a PDF or Word document comparing two reports from within one entity:

  • Click Entities > List
  • Click the entity name containing the reports to compare
  • Click Compare
  • Select the two reports to compare
  • Select the output format
  • Click OK

If either report being compared contains an imported custom section which contains revisions (track changes), the compare reports function will not be completed. To resolve this we recommend importing the custom section again without revisions.