How to download the Audit Trails

To produce the audit trail files:


To download a single file:

  • Click the Audit Trail name or click the download icon


To download multiple files to a zip file:

  • Click the box next to the required Audit Trails
  • Click Export



Why are the numbers not displaying in the Excel Audit Trail?

  • Excel will by default, block access to editing of downloaded files, meaning it may not show all numbers when first opened
  • The Enable Editing button will either appear on a yellow bar beneath the ribbon near the top of the window in Excel, or in the File menu within Excel
  • To view all numbers in the Excel outputs, enable editing for the file by clicking the Enable Editing button


We recommend using Excel to open the Audit Trails. Other software may not open the file correctly. For example, Google Sheets does not have the ability to show the hyperlinks correctly and it will display hyperlinks instead of the actual numbers.



Audit Trail - Comprehensive

  • This worksheet displays the allocated Trial Balances across the page by entity/division with summarised account allocation information. It is effectively an automated traditional 'consolidation worksheet'
  • Available for both the current, prior and annual when Show comparatives is turned on in Setup (prior) and when an interim report (annual)

The worksheet incorporates grouping functionality which can be changed in the top left side of screen.


The horizontal numbers represent:

1. Show 'Total' column only for each entity/division

2. Show 'Trial Balance', 'Adjustments' and 'Total' columns for each entity/division


The vertical numbers represent:

1. Show totals only for each group

2. Show allocations and totals for each group


Image shows a screenshot of the summary audit trail Excel.



  • This worksheet displays the allocated Trial Balances down the page by entity/division with detailed general ledger account information
  • This can be either with entity/division grouping (used for consolidations when Show consolidation is turned on in Setup) or without this grouping (usually used for single entity but this can be used for consolidations when Show consolidation is turned off in Setup)


The worksheet incorporates subtotal functionality which can be changed in the top-left side of screen. The numbers represent:

2. Show by sub-class only (totals)

3. Show by entity/division and sub-class (sub-totals)

4. Show by general ledger code, entity/division and sub-class (detail)


Image shows a screenshot of the detailed audit trail excel.



Profit Reconciliation
  • This worksheet displays a detailed account of the differences between the profit as per the Trial Balance to the statutory profit, accounting for each adjustment made (whereas the summary Audit Trail is at a high level - total adjustments for each division)
  • Available for both the current and prior periods when Show comparatives is turned on in Setup


Image shows a screenshot of the profit reconciliation in the comprehensive audit trail.



  • This worksheet displays a list of all Adjustments for the report
  • Refer to Adjustments for more information. 


Note: Rounding entered via Inputs > Chart of Accounts are not captured in the Audit Trail - Comprehensive output. This may result in a mismatch between the final balances in the output report and the final balances shown in the Audit Trail - Comprehensive file. If there is a discrepancy, check if rounding has been entered in Inputs > Chart of Accounts.


If rounding amounts are required to be captured, delete the amounts from Inputs > Chart of Accounts and instead enter them as adjustments via Inputs > Adjustments. Alternatively, the rounding amounts can be added manually into the Audit Trail - Comprehensive excel file.



Audit Trail - Divisional

  • This shows one entity/division per worksheet rather than combined as in the Audit Trail - Comprehensive
  • It outputs the allocated Trial Balances 'down the page' with 'detailed general ledger account information'
  • Also included is a detailed audit trail which is a copy of the detailed audit trail in the comprehensive audit trail output, without the hyperlinks


Image shows a screenshot of the Divisional audit trail excel.



Audit Trail - Subconsolidation

  • Audit Trail - Subconsolidation will only appear in Outputs if at least one division is ticked as Subconsolidation in Edit entity
  • It outputs the allocated Trial Balances across the page by entity/division with summarised account allocation information for both the current, prior and annual periods when applicable

The worksheet incorporates grouping functionality which can be changed in the top left side of screen.


The horizontal numbers represent:

1. Show 'Total' column only for each entity/division

2. Show 'Trial Balance', 'Adjustments' and 'Total' columns for each entity/division


The vertical numbers represent:

1. Show totals only for each group

2. Show allocations and totals for each group


Image shows a screenshot of the Audit trail - subconsolidation excel.