Video help

Manage usersManage users


In this video:

  • Administrators
  • Reviewers
  • Managers
  • Users
  • Creating a new user
  • Authentication options
  • Access control
  • Adding licences


Jump to a specific point in the video with the chapters button in the video.


Licence type and expiry

  • The screen shows the date the licence expires and the type of licence: Platinum or Gold
  • See Licence expiring message for more information on the licence expiry date

User types explained

The following user types are available:

User type User access


  • All user rights, including adding, editing and deleting users, deleting entities and deleting reports
  • See Administrator rights for additional rights


  • Rights for a user are set by an Administrator or Manager
  • Rights can be set based on defaults in Administrator settings for 'Basic', 'Standard' and 'Advanced'
  • By default, 'Advanced' rights apply for new users
  • User rights can be further refined by turning on or off the user right


  • Ability to only see nominated entities on a 'read-only' basis
  • Ability to add and view Comments
  • Reports can be viewed on-screen and all outputs can be produced
  • Reviewers do not count toward the number of licences used
  • If a Reviewer has not logged in for the past 12 months, or has never logged in, they will be deleted


  • Ability to add, edit and delete users, set user access and set default user and site settings
  • No ability to view or edit any entities or reports
  • Managers do not count toward the number of licences used
  • If a Manager has not logged in for the past 12 months, or has never logged in, they will be deleted.

Administrator rights

Administrators have all user rights and access to the following:

  • Manage users: add, edit or delete Administrators, Users, Reviewers and Managers. For Users this also includes setting user rights
  • Access control: allow or deny any user from having access to entities
  • Administrator settings: manage the Administrator settings and default user rights
  • Reports summary: manage any outstanding reports

Manager and Reviewer access for the same user
  • If Manager access and Reviewer access is required for the same person, two user accounts need to be created, one Manager and one Reviewer
  • The same email address can be used for both, the username must be unique

Add a new Administrator, User, Reviewer or Manager

To add a new user:

  • Login as an Administrator or Manager
  • Click Administration > Manage users
  • Click the New user button
  • Complete the required fields
  • An optional tag field is available to help identify the user
  • Click OK

If all licences have been used and additional licences are required, see Adding licences.

Accurri operates on a named user basis meaning each user (employee, consultant or contractor) of the licencee must have their own unique login. Certain role-based words within usernames are not allowed, such as: Account, Accountant, Admin, Audit, Controller, Finance, Login, Preparer, Reviewer, Team, User.

Change single licence Administrator

To change the Administrator for a single licence:

  • The Administrator should log as normal
  • Click Administration > Manage users
  • Click the Administrator account in the table to edit
  • Change the Username, First name, Last Name, Email, Password to the details of the new Administrator
  • Enable SSO or Two-factor authentication if required
  • Click OK

Edit a user

To edit a user:

  • Login as an Administrator or Manager
  • Click Administration > Manage users
  • Click the user to edit in the list of users
  • Update the required fields
  • An optional tag field is available to help identify the user
  • Click OK


Delete a user

To delete a user:

  • Login as an Administrator or Manager
  • Click Administration > Manage users
  • Click the delete icon next to the user to be deleted

Unlock an account

To unlock an account:

  • Login as an Administrator or Manager
  • Click Administration > Manage users
  • Click the user account to unlock
  • Set Account locked to No
  • Click OK

Note: Resetting a password will not unlock an account.

View tutorial and training dates

To view the dates the Tutorial and Training were completed:

Book training session

To book a training session with Accurri:

It is recommended that all users complete the Tutorial and then book in for the training session with one of our Accurri experts. There is no charge for this session.  For clients with more than one user, this session will be presented as a team session.

The training session is delivered online and lasts about 2.5 hours. We will answer your specific questions, address your challenges and issues and help you to set-up your first Accurri based report.

Adding licences

All Administrators and Managers can add additional licences, which will be available for use immediately.  An invoice will be emailed within 48 hours.

To add licences:

  • Login as an Administrator or Manager
  • Click Administration > Manage users
  • Click the Add licences button.
  • Select the payment currency
  • Select the number of additional licences required
  • The pro-rata cost and annual renewal cost will be displayed
  • Click the Next button 
  • Click OK to complete the purchase

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with applications and websites by using just one set of credentials.

Accurri currently supports Single-Sign On with:

  • Google (OAuth 2.0)
  • Microsoft Azure (OAuth 2.0)

Accurri does not use federation for SSO. The Accurri application acts as an OAuth client that requests the users's identity (email and full name) from the current browser session. 

To log into Accurri using Azure AD, a user must click the 'Sign in with Microsoft' button on the log in page. If the user was already authenticated in the same browser against Azure AD, they will go straight into the Accurri application. Otherwise, the user is redirected to the Azure authentication page to log in there and then, in the case of a successful log in to Azure, redirected back to Accurri.

Accurri is not a single-page application, so it does not use access or refresh tokens. The user's authentication is stored using a cookie-based approach. If users can log in to Azure AD, then they are ready to use SSO in Accurri. 

Accurri uses the user's email address to distinguish users. As a result, Microsoft Azure profiles must have an email address associated with them or the user will not be able to log in using Microsoft Azure Single Sign-On. Accurri Support are unable to assist with the administration of Microsoft Azure accounts.

If configured for SSO, the user will not be able to log in with an Accurri username and password.

SSO setup - new users

To configure Single Sign-On for a new user:

  • Login as an Administrator or Manager
  • Click Administration > Manage users
  • Click the New user button
  • Enter the email address of the user
  • In the Single Sign-On selection click the appropriate identity provider. For example 'Yes - Google'
  • Select the user type
  • Set the user rights if required
  • All other fields are disabled as they will be automatically populated the first time the user logs in
  • Click OK

SSO setup - existing users

To configure Single Sign-On for an existing user:

  • Login as an Administrator or Manager
  • Click Administration > Manage users
  • Click the user to edit
  • In the Single Sign-On selection click the appropriate identity provider. For example 'Yes - Google'
  • Click OK

Note: Two-factor authentication within Accurri will be disabled if SSO is enabled. 2FA is handled by your trusted identity provider.

An email will be sent to the user with details of how to log in.

Login using SSO

Steps to login to Accurri for SSO users are:

  • At the Accurri log in screen the user clicks the appropriate button. For example 'Sign in with Google'
  • The user is redirected to Google to sign in with their Google username and password
  • If authenticated the user will be redirected to Accurri and logged in
  • If configured for SSO, the user will not be able to login with a username and password at the Accurri log in screen. They will only be able to log in with the selected trusted identity provider.

If you are unable to log in to your account due to any issue with single sign on authentication, one of your Administrators or Managers will need to turn off single sign on authentication in Manage users and create a new password for your account. These new login credentials will be emailed to you. Your Administrator or Manager can re-enable SSO again, if required.

Two-factor authentication

  • Two-factor authentication is optional for each user and can only be turned on and off by an Administrator or Manager.
  • When turned on, after logging in with a username and password, a code will be required to be typed in from another device, such as a mobile phone.

Some important points about two-factor authentication:

  • When enabled for a user, the next time the user logs in they will be forced to setup two-factor authentication, there is no option for the user to skip setup.
  • During the two-factor authentication setup process the user is provided 10 recovery codes, which may be used to log in if the two-factor device is unavailable for any reason. These codes should be downloaded and treated securely, as if they were passwords. This is the only time these recovery codes can be downloaded.
  • When enabled for a user, Accurri Support have no access to the recovery codes for a user and cannot disable two-factor for a user unless an account verification process is successfully completed by the user.

If a user cannot access their account due to any issue with two-factor authentication, or the user has switched to a new phone or device, an Administrator or Manager will be required to turn off two-factor authentication for the user and if required, turn it on again. This will allow the user to setup two-factor authentication again on a device.

Commencing an account verification process with Accurri, when an account cannot be accessed for any reason is a time consuming process and can only be completed for a user type of Administrator, User or Manager. If a Reviewer cannot access their account, the only method to gain access is for one of their Administrators or Managers to turn off two-factor authentication.

User rights

User rights can be set for each user. The following table explains each user right.

Group User right Screen If the user right is on If the user right is off



Entities > List

  • Allows the user to create new entities
  • Hides the 'New entity' button



Entities > Edit

  • Allows the user to make changes
  • Disables all editing



Entities > List

  • Allows the user to delete an entity
  • Hides the delete entity icon



Reports > List

  • Allows the user to create new reports
  • Hides the 'New report', 'Copy content' and 'Report wizard' buttons



Reports > List

  • Allows the user to duplicate reports
  • Hides the duplicate report icon


Roll forward

Reports > List

  • Allows the user to roll forward reports
  • Hides the roll forward report icon



Reports > List

  • Allows the user to lock reports
  • Prevents the user from locking reports



Reports > List

  • Allows the user to unlock reports
  • Prevents the user from unlocking reports



Reports > List

  • Allows the user to delete reports
  • Hides the delete report icon



Inputs > Import report

  • Allows the user to import content from other reports
  • Hides the 'Import report' menu



Reports > Reset report

  • Allows the user to reset report content
  • Hides the 'Reset report' menu



Reports > Options > Setup

  • Allows the user to make changes
  • Disables all editing



Reports > Options > Settings

  • Allows the user to make changes
  • Disables all editing


Report variables

Reports > Options > Report variables

  • Allows the user to make changes
  • Disables all editing


Custom variables

Reports > Options > Custom variables

  • Allows the user to make changes
  • Disables all editing


Report sections

Reports > Options > Report sections

  • Allows the user to make changes
  • Disables all editing



Reports > Options > Rounding

  • Allows the user to make changes
  • Disables all editing



Reports > Options > Signatories

  • Allows the user to make changes
  • Disables all editing



Reports > Options > Styles

  • Allows the user to make changes
  • Disables all editing



Modules > Mapping

  • Allows the user to import Mapping
  • Disables the 'Import' button



Modules > Mapping

  • Allows the user to edit Mapping
  • Disables the 'Delete', 'Replace' and 'Auto map' buttons and disables all editing

Trial Balances


Inputs > Trial Balance

  • Allows the user to import Trial Balances
  • Disables the 'Import' button

Trial Balances


Inputs > Trial Balance

  • Allows the user to edit Trial Balances
  • Disables the 'Delete', 'Clear balances', 'Replace' and 'Map' buttons and disables all editing



Inputs > Adjustments

  • Allows the user to import Adjustments
  • Disables the 'Import' button



Inputs > Adjustments

  • Allows the user to edit Adjustments
  • Disables the 'New', 'Delete', 'Clear balances', 'Replace' and Copy balances' buttons and disables all editing

Chart of Accounts


Inputs > Chart of Accounts

  • Allows the user to import Chart of Accounts descriptions
  • Disables the 'Import' button

Chart of Accounts


Inputs > Chart of Accounts

  • Allows the user to edit Chart of Accounts descriptions
  • Disables editing of Chart of Accounts descriptions

Chart of Accounts

Edit rounding

Inputs > Chart of Accounts

  • Allows the user to add or edit rounding balances
  • Disables adding or editing rounding balances



Inputs > Disclosures

  • Allows the user to import disclosure files
  • Disables the 'Import' button


Cash flow

Cash flow

  • Allows the user to edit the cash flow module
  • Disables the 'Reset descriptions', 'Reset references', 'Clear balances' and 'Save' buttons and disables all editing



Modules > Documents

  • Allows the users to upload, download, rename, cut, copy, paste and delete documents
  • Users can only download documents



Modules > Workpapers

  • Allows the user to edit workpapers
  • Disables all editing


Financial position

Sections > Financial position

  • Allows the user to sort the statement of financial position
  • Hides the 'Sort' button



Sections > Notes

  • Allows the user to sort the notes to the financial statements
  • Hides the 'Sort' button



Modules > XBRL

  • Allows the user to edit XBRL tags
  • Prevents the user from editing XBRL tags within the module
  • NOTE: Tags can still changed using 'Import report' and 'Reset report' when this user right is 'Off'



Administration > XBRL status

Modules > XBRL

  • Allows the user to file XBRL tags
  • Disables the 'File' button



Administration > XBRL status

  • Allows the user to check the status of submitted XBRL files
  • Prevents the user from checking the status of XBRL files