
Many of these options can be changed within the note by clicking the settings icon next to the paragraph or table.


The following can be rounded to between 0 and 5 decimal places.



Appendix 4

Name Areas changed


  • Results for announcement to the market - %


Net tangible assets



Remuneration report

Name Areas changed

Proportion linked

  • Details of remuneration - proportion linked %

Cash bonus

  • Details of remuneration - cash bonus %

Consisting of options or rights

  • Share-based compensation - options and rights %


  • Additional information - %



Shares, options and rights

Name Areas changed


  • For 'Shares', this includes 'Share price' and 'Issue price'
  • For 'Options', this includes 'Exercise price' and 'Share price at grant date'
  • For 'Rights', this includes 'Exercise price', 'Share price target for vesting' and 'Share price at grant date'

Fair value

Valuation model inputs

  • Share-based payments - valuation model inputs %

Percentage of total issued

  • Shareholder information - total shares issued %




Name Areas changed

Budget vs actual

Current vs prior

  • Various - change %



Statement of profit or loss

Name Areas changed

Earnings per share



Statement of financial position

Name Areas changed

Receivables expected credit loss rate

  • Expected credit loss rate - %

Intangible assets impairment testing

  • Intangibles - %

Retirement benefit obligations

Gearing ratio

  • Issued capital - gearing ratio %



Financial instruments

Name Areas changed

Foreign exchange contracts

  • Foreign exchange contracts - Exchange rates

Foreign exchange sensitivity

  • Foreign exchange sensitivity - % change

Price risk sensitivity

  • Price risk sensitivity - % change

Weighted average interest rate

  • Weighted average interest rate - Interest rate %




Name Areas changed


  • Interests in subsidiaries - Ownership interest %


  • Interests in associates - Ownership interest %

Joint ventures

  • Interests in joint ventures - Ownership interest %

Joint operations

  • Interests in joint operations - Ownership interest %

Structured entities

  • Interests in unconsolidated structured entities - Interest held %


  • Shareholder information - Tenements - Interest owned %